Chapter 11

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December 24th

It turns out that lily did love a muggle but we were all fine with that and had invite him to the wedding. the only one that wasnt happy was lorcan because he had a thing for lily. and rose hadnt spoken to me since halloween when i shouted at her. i hadnt bothered to apologise though. i wasnt really bothered anymore.

roxy was pregnant like jasmine had said. after a while we accepted that too we just needed to get our heads around the fact the she wouldnt tell us who the babies dad was. only fred knew that and he wouldnt tell anyone. he protected his sister with his life. rose's animagus turned out to be a fox which she hated and didn't tell anyone about if she could help it.

Me and scorpius had been planning our wedding for nearly two months an it was now only 5 days away. But we had survived all the planning and hectic family feuds and we were still happy as ever. Together with my wonderful fiancé we would be able to do anything.

Since it had been a bit hectic lately, with the wedding coming up at the end of the week, everyone had come over to Grimauld place to spend Christmas together. It had enough rooms to fit everyone in and have rooms spare. Adults were on the top floor(4), girls on the 3rd floor, and boys on the 2nd with at least 2 spare rooms on each floor since rooms fit 2-3 people. Staying in the house was all the Weasley's, the Potter's and the Malfoy's. We had all gathered yesterday and were staying until the 27th, then all going to our separate homes before the wedding on the 29th. Today was Christmas eve. It was now 4pm and grandma Weasley was finishing cooking a dinner for us all. The proper Christmas dinner would be tomorrow at 2, however Molly Weasley had her traditions as every family did. This was a warm-up meal. At 4.30 we all were called downstairs for dinner. Me, Scor and Hugo left our room were we had been talking. According to my dad this had been Sirius' old room from when he was a child. I was happy to be sleeping here. I wished I had known the people my dad knew. Remus and Sirius especially. Anyway most of the others had already been downstairs but even when we got to the dinning room a few people were missing. Once every was down and seated around the huge table Molly presented the food with the help of kreacher and we began to serve the food and eat. The meal was delicious as always. When we had all eaten up an couldn't eat anything else we all helped clear the table and tidy up the kitchen and dining room. We all went to bed that evening content and excited for tomorrow.

December 25th

Christmas Eve was always good with the Weasley's. This year should be even better with the malfoys round to make the family even bigger. The day was simple and all planned by grandma Molly. I don't know what time everyone else woke up but Scorpius was sat up in bed with the light on next to me by 6.30 this morning. I mean I loved him and was glad he was happy but he was acting like a 6 year old rather than 17. He was so cute. He had woken me and Hugo up by 7, telling us to look at out stockings that Molly had attached to our beds last night. She had charmed them to fill once we were all asleep. At 8 'O' clock there was a knock on our bedroom door. Hugo opened it to find Draco, Ron and my dad on the other side, all dressed in pyjamas. Another of Molly's rules. We were told to wrap up warm and go down to the living room where everyone else would be gathered.

Once we were all sat down on sofas, chairs and cushions around the huge room, we began separating the presents into piles. Since it would have taken to long to watch each person open their presents it was settled that the boys would open theirs first then the girls and then the adults. We passed some time doing that... probably an hour or two.

Presents were soon opened and we all started playing games while the adults cleared away rubbish and began helping in the kitchen or sitting with the rest of us.

The day passed quickly along with the rest of our time with the family around. I was happy for everyone to be getting along well and laughing together. Tho was my family. The best family in the whole world. All of them!

This is me...albus potter (on Hold while I edit and write other stories)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt