Chapter 10

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So again im uploading a new chapter to the book. i wont have much time soon so here it is. Enjoy!


I couldn't handle this anymore... I had to leave. My dad and draco left to talk to Mcgonagall while everyone sat stating around the room. I nodded at my mum and left. I went to the room of requirement. I didn't know where else to go.

'I need a place to be alone and be angry' I thought as I got to the 7th floor. I watched the doors appear in front of me and walked in. As soon as the doors closed I screamed as loud as I could before I fell to my knees. I laid down on my side, bringing my knees to my chest, and let the tears flow. I cried for what felt like hours. I wouldn't let myself be like this in front of anyone besides scorpius, because they would think I was weak. I was a slytherin. Slytherin's aren't weak people.

After a few moments of catching my breath I looked around the room that I was in. It was fairly small with a bookshelf, coffee table and an armchair next to a fireplace. It looked like my grandfather Arthur's old armchair. I walked over to it and sat with my knees up, just thinking about him. He would know just what to do right now. He always had advice for me. I thought back to when Astoria said those 5 words that broke my heart, "they want to kill Scorpius". My Scorpius. I needed to stop thinking now!

I walked over to the bookshelf and picked up the first book I saw. I turned the gas on in the fireplace so there was some heat and a bit of noise in the room. I say back down in the armchair and took of my locket looking at the ring next to it. I sighed before opening the book.

I got quite far into the book until I read one section and continued to read over and over again until I was completely in tears once again.

'If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn into a mighty stranger'

I read back once more to another section I read 'I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says. I love all his looks, and all his actions, and him entirely and altogether. There now!'

My Scorpius. The love of my life. I would not let him die so young before he has the chance to live and I would not let him die in such a barbaric way! I wiped my tears away and caught my breath before grabbing my ring and locket. I left the room taking the book with me. I needed Scorpius.

I ran back down to the great hall hoping that everyone was still there. Luckily everyone was still talking to each other in small groups, probably waiting for someone to tell them something. My dad and Draco were also back now and talking to my mum and Astoria. Draco had his arm around his wife, comforting her as she still had tears in her eyes. I didn't blame her one bit. Scorpius was sat on a bench on his own with his hands weaved through his blonde hair. I sat next to him quietly. I didn't know if he noticed me at first, I should know by now that he always knows I'm here.

"they're planning our 'next move'. I couldn't listen to them" he said not looking up. I just nodded putting the book next to me and the locket around my neck. I kept the ring off, just to hold it and look at it. "Are you regretting saying you want to marry me?" he asked looking at my hands.



I sighed. "But... I can't."

He sighed and gave a nervous laugh. "it's both of us now Al. Neither of us are safe. Marry me. I want to be with you forever."

" you're not safe because of me! This is my fault! If I were to die and your still lived and could have a chance of happiness and a good life, then I would die any day! But if you died ... I couldn't live another second."

This is me...albus potter (on Hold while I edit and write other stories)Where stories live. Discover now