SEQUEL | Love, Everybody

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Maeve Macmillan still loves to write

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Maeve Macmillan still loves to write.

This time around, she's evolved from writing notes and short stories to articles and eulogies. Darkness has seeped in like a heavy shroud. War, death and decay have become as common as brown eyes. But it is more than ever that sprinkles of love and confetti of kindness are required.

Now, the chessboard isn't restricted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but Britain at large. Armed with her trusty journals and supported by her friends, Maeve is slowly rising up on the Dark Lord's "To Kill List'' as she contributes to the war in her own way, using the best tool in her arsenal: journalism.

However, with betrayals at every corner and premonitions of tragedy coming closer, answers to questions best left veiled are revealed. Because it's one thing to say they'd help people against injustice. It's another thing entirely to actually do it.

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~ Author's Note ~

Oh gosh, I'm so excited. "Love, Everybody" will follow Maeve (and Regulus, of course) through two years, starting with the summer of Regulus' seventh year to all the *ahem* incidents. Other major players include The Order of the Phoenix, the pursuit of knowledge, unlikely friendships, the Marauders, acid pops, The Quibbler, Kreatcher, A doomed locket, spying, a lot of angst that will hopefully balanced by even more fluff. It's been externally linked for your connivance, if you're interested in checking it out!

The aesthetics of the next book are highly influenced by the album Reputation by Taylor Swift, just like how this one is influenced by Lover. I really, really hope you enjoyed reading this book, thank you all tremendously for all your support and encouragements.

My mind still hasn't registered that this book is complete. I started Love, Somebody a little over a year ago with no idea how to take it forward. It was only thanks to you all that ideas slowly formed a tapestry, but I never expected it to be on this grand of a scale. I love you all so much. Every comment that you guys left was like receiving a lovely note by Somebody, and I appreciate each one incredibly much. I'm so grateful, thank you. I hope everybody has a nice day ahead!



Love, Somebody ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now