Chapter 24 | maeve feels down. pig snouts are wonderful.

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(t/w: mentions about death)

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(t/w: mentions about death)

---------------------> "THERE WAS AN ATTACK AT HOGSMEADE FIVE MINUTES AGO," Rachel's voice boomed as she stormed out of her office doors the next day, no sooner had Maeve seated herself at the desk assigned to her. Panic washed over Maeve like a tide, and she prayed desperately that there weren't any casualties. 

Rachel's dark eyes were locked to the pile of papers she was flipping through. "Melissa, Rita, you're on it. I want the article at my desk within the next two hours. We'll be printing out a special evening paper," she ordered, proceeding to command the other journalists.

Melissa Jackson stood up and ran a hand through her greying hair. Her gaze connected with the other intern's first, and then him and Maeve. "Take proper photographs. You two go cover the scene, take statements from the witnesses. I'll cover the infirmary and the hospital and collect the victim statements. Rita, you're with the Aurors, find out what they're thinking."

All of them nodded and stood up to gather their coats while the other intern wore a camera around his neck.

Rita spoke before the four of them split up, a vengeful glint in her buggy eyes. "I think my dear Maeve should stay in, Melissa. After all, she's just started, and I was asked to take good care of her. Who knows what horrors are there on the scene. This is only her second day. Wouldn't want this to be her last, would we?"

Maeve stiffened. "Thank you for your concern, Miss Skeeter, but I'm perfectly—"

"She doesn't even have enough experience as your intern," Rita continued, pretending that Maeve didn't exist. "She isn't ready yet, and—"

"Actually, I'm—"

"—besides, we do need someone here. Just in case there are more reporters needed here, to help Rachel prepare the special evening paper at the office." Rita motioned to the other intern. "He can collect the witness statements since he'll already be on the scene, as he's been doing the entire year. Maeve can assist him next time. If all of us go, it's a waste of manpower, don't you agree?"

"You make a good case, Rita," said Melissa, proceeding to swivel towards Maeve. "Help Rachel and whoever wants it, or work on your article."

"You can leave after that until the company dinner," added Rita.

Before Maeve could protest, Rachel dropped the pile of papers on Melissa's desk, a furious expression marring her face. "It's been two minutes since I told you, and yet, you are here. Why? Do you or do you not value your jobs?"

"Tremendously so," replied the other intern, before shooting Maeve a grimace filled with guilt, mumbling an apology to her and dashing out the door. Melissa pulled out her wand and apparated away, not bothering to respond to Rachel, who embodied thunder.

"Maeve'll help you wherever you need it, then she's free to leave," Rita informed Rachel, proceeding to tell Maeve, "I know you feel this is unfair, but there might be stairs at the scene. I also know how much you hate those, I'm only looking out for you."

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