first sight

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– You weren't in the meeting, again.

Zhou Keyu wrinkled when he heard the stern voice of his Elder brother, but didn't even think to look up at him, carried away by the book.

– I'm not needed there. – he answered, turning the page. – What's the use of being there?

– For general development. – the brother answered, walking up to him and angrily grabbing the book from Keyu's hands. – You're a Prince, Keyu, and you should be interested in the life of your people and affairs of state!

– The throne will pass to you, so I don't have to do it. – Zhou Keyu objected, angrily taking the book back. – I have two older brothers, so I can afford to miss these damn meetings!

– Watch your tongue, boy! – Elder brother said, looking menacingly at Keyu. – It's not proper for a Young Prince to behave like that! I'll tell our Father to raise you better.

– Better tell him to give me the right to independently hold my life!

Zhou Keyu waved his hand in annoyance, straightening his bangs, and left without letting his brother answer. He was filled with anger, and he wanted to get to his bedchamber as soon as possible.

Elder brother was often so unbearable, but sometimes he really annoyed Keyu by forcing him to go to the meetings their Father arranged. Zhou Keyu attend these meetings, but after several times he stopped going there. What good is it if the father and older brothers still do not listen to his opinion? They consider Keyu too young for affairs of state. They literally contradict themselves!

– Young Prince. – the old servant, assigned to Keyu's bedchamber to watch over him, bowed respectfully, seeing that Prince wasn't in the best mood. – Do you want anything?

– Quietness. – Zhou Keyu answered with a firm voice. – I'm not holding you, you can go.

The servant bowed again and quickly left.

Keyu went into his bedchamber and finally diving into silence. He settled comfortably on his huge bed and returned to the book, intending to read it until evening. Zhou Keyu likes reading, it distracts him from quarrels with his brothers and daily routine. He even has his own bookcases with his favorite books in the library, and his collection of rare books grows with great regularity.

In the evening, Elder brother came to him, he personally invited him to dinner, and as they walked down the corridor, he even asked what his younger brother was busy with the rest of the day. Keyu answered him politely and was not rude, although he was still not in the best mood. He was well aware that this was the only way of reconciliation known to his brother. 

Father wasn't at the table yet, he promised to come later. Mother greeted Zhou Keyu warmly and he was delighted to see her for the first time that day. Keyu sat down next to his brother and noticed the musicians who were also in the hall. Usually he doesn't pay attention to the court musicians and servants, but now he's interested in a young man, timidly standing next to other musicians. He was dressed in the simplest clothes, but for some reason Zhou Keyu couldn't take his eyes off him.

– Who... Who is this boy? – he asked his brother.

– Which boy? – he followed his gaze. – I don't know, maybe he's a new musician brought by our Mother. I heard she saw him the day she went to town. She liked the way he sang. Hope he's really good at this, because his face is clearly ugly. 

– What do you mean? – Zhou Keyu frowned, still staring at the boy with interest. – Don't say like this! He... He's so beautiful! 

– You think so? – Elder brother arched his eyebrow. – His features are clearly not Chinese.

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