first kiss

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An incomprehensible loud sound woke Patrick, and he slowly opened his eyes. It was dark and smelled like fruit. Yin Haoyu groaned and buried his face in the pillow, which for some reason smelled familiarly of Zhou Keyu. This is all strange, but Patrick can smell Keyu everywhere now. Wherever he went, the smell of fruit haunted him - in the hallways, in the library, and now also in the room.

– Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you up? – Prince's low voice sounded nearby.

– What?! – Patrick sat up abruptly on the bed.

He saw Zhou Keyu standing next to the bed. In his hands was a pile of papers and books. He must have just finished studying. But... What is he doing here?

– I dropped some things. – Keyu said guiltily. – I'm sorry I woke you up.

– Why... Why are you here? – Patrick asked in surprise, a little embarrassed by this situation.

– Am I not allowed to be in my bedchamber? – Zhou Keyu smiled softly and put the pile of papers and books on the small table next to the bed.

– In your bedchamber?! – Patrick asked looking around.

In the semidarkness it was difficult for him to make out something, but he noticed that the ceilings here are much higher than in the room in which he usually sleeps. The bed is also more spacious and comfortable than his, and the soft candlelight allowed him to see the expensive table and other furniture. Patrick finally realized that he was in someone else's bedchamber.

– I ... I'm so sorry, My Prince, sorry. – Patrick said, bowing his head apologetically. – I must have given you a lot of trouble.

– What are you sorry? – Zhou Keyu sat down next to him and took his face by the chin, making Yin Haoyu to look at him. – I brought you here.

– You? – Patrick looked at him again in surprise. – I... I don't remember this.

– Don't remember? – Keyu asked. – We parted in the library, – he reminded by stroking Yin Haoyu's cheek comfortingly, – But when I came, you were already asleep. You know, you didn't have to wait for me if you were tired.

– But I wanted to. – Patrick protested weakly.

– Little stubborn. – said Prince softly. – You slept so soundly that I couldn't wake you up. So I brought you here. You can stay if you want, I won't mind.

Patrick looked at him thoughtfully, and Zhou Keyu struggled to resist the urge to kiss his nose. Damn, why is he always so cute?

– I don't want to inconvenience you, My Prince, but... – Patrick dropped his gaze, but didn't turn away, – I also want to stay with you. – he confessed quietly.

– Then stay. – Zhou Keyu laughed at him and gently ruffled his hair. – You can sleep some more if you want. The night has just begun.

– What about you? – Patrick asked. – Will you sleep?

– I need to study. – Zhou Keyu sighed wearily. – So don't worry, you can sleep comfortably. I'll not embarrass you.

– It's okay, I'm not shy. – Patrick said encouragingly.

– Oh really? – Keyu asked with a grin. He suddenly brought his face closer to Yin Haoyu's and looked teasingly into his eyes. He felt a warmth given out by Patrick, and his head spun with his own courage and the realization of how close they are now.

– Well, maybe... a little. – Patrick answered. He closed his eyes, but didn't pull away, as if awaiting further action by Prince. Zhou Keyu laughed at him and gentle snapped his fingers in Haoyu's nose.

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