first meeting

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Patrick hadn't been home for a long time, so that's why he was flustered when the carriage stopped, signaling that they had arrived. Zhou Keyu was also a little worried about the upcoming acquaintance with Patrick's parents, but he didn't show it, trying to appear strong and calm. He took his things and some of Patrick's and got out of the carriage, waiting for Yin Haoyu. They need to walk a little, because Prince didn't want to put Patrick's parents in danger, in case Father will interrogate the coachman who has taken them here. Zhou Keyu wasn't sure about this, but still decided to play it safe.

The carriage soon left, letting both of them know there was no turning back.

– This isn't how I imagined meeting your parents. – Keyu said, and Patrick, sensitive to his mood, immediately caught the excitement in his voice.

– Please don't worry. – Yin Haoyu smiled tenderly at him and stroked his shoulder comfortingly. – My parents... already know everything. I wrote letters to them when I lived in the palace, so they already know about us. They will help us.

Zhou Keyu sighed but nodded obediently as he followed Patrick down the narrow alley. Yin Haoyu words soothed him just a little.

– What if they will don't like me? – Zhou Keyu asked worriedly.

– How could anyone not like you? – Patrick giggled and looked at him. – You are handsome, smart and polite, just perfect.

– Do you think so? – Keyu asked and Patrick rolled his eyes at the flirting in his voice.

– It's a fact. – he answered evasively. He didn't want to give Prince another reason for pride and teasing.

After a while, the road led them to a small old house. Zhou Keyu looked at it carefully. He was always interested in where and how Patrick lived before he was in the palace, so right now he tried not to miss a beat.

– It doesn't look like a palace at all, does it? – Patrick asked jokingly, but Zhou Keyu heard the embarrassment in his voice.

– It's even better. – he answered with an encouraging smile.

Yin Haoyu smiled back gratefully and knocked softly on the door. Hurried footsteps were heard, and then a smiling woman appeared on the threshold. She immediately rushed to hug Patrick, and this scene touched Zhou Keyu, making him smile too.

– You are finally back! – the woman said, patting Patrick's hair.

– Yes, hello mom. – Patrick smiled happily.

– We've been expecting you, Patrick. ­– mother said warmly. Soon, she noticed Zhou Keyu too. – Oh... oh! So tall and handsome! You're very lucky to grab such a handsome man, Patrick.

– Mom! – Patrick was outraged, but also embarrassed. – This is Zhou Keyu, I told you about him in letters.

– You don't need to tell me about this, I guessed right away. – the woman nodded, looking at Keyu in admiration. – «Incredibly handsome Young Prince with beautiful dark eyes». – she quoted a line from one of Patrick's letters.

– Mama!! – Yin Haoyu blushed and Keyu smiled, suddenly feeling very comfortable. He never had such funny teasing in his family, because he was brought up in severity.

– Welcome to our humble home, Young Prince. – Patrick's mom said, and Zhou Keyu bowed politely.

– Good evening, mother. Please don't call me «prince». – he asked. – Sorry for arriving so late.

– The main thing is that you have arrived, boys. – the woman smiled warmly and let them into the house. – We'll decide the rest later. I'm glad to see you.

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