first visit

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Patrick's parents came to visit them about a couple of weeks after they moved in. It was early in the morning when Zhou Keyu was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, while Patrick was cleaning himself up in the bathroom. The kitchen was hot from the stove on which the food was cooking, and Zhou Keyu opened the window. First he heard the neighbor's dogs barking, which usually run unattended through the streets, and then the clatter of hooves. Keyu couldn't go to the window, busy cooking, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a simple carriage flash by.

– Pai, are you done? – he called out to Yin Haoyu a little excitedly. Then he stirred the food with a spoon and took it off the stove. Zhou Keyu rinsed his hands and listened to the sounds coming from the bathroom.

– Yeah almost. – Patrick answered and then emerged from the bathroom. He was washed, but still looked a little sleepy. Zhou Keyu smiled as it was his fault. It was he who didn't let Patrick sleep yesterday, pestering him with kisses. – What's the matter? – Yin Haoyu asked as he approached Keyu. He reached up to Keyu's face and straightened his bangs, that dropping into his eyes.

– I saw the carriage. – Zhou Keyu answered. – Close enough to us. Maybe it's your parents? They promised to visit us, you remember?

– But it's so early now. – Patrick frowned. – Had they been driving here all night?

Zhou Keyu didn't have time to answer. They heard the old gate creak, and then there was a knock at the door. Patrick went to open the door.

– I told you they don't sleep! – Patrick's mother burst into the house like a small hurricane as soon as Yin Haoyu opened the door. – Patrick! Keyu! – she smiled and rushed to hug them both. Patrick's father rolled his eyes but didn't hide a soft smile. – I missed you so much!

– Mom! – Patrick was barely able to utter a word in surprise. – You didn't warn me that you and father will come!

– Oh, it was a spontaneous decision! – she answered, looking around the house with an attentive look, and then smiled contentedly. – Last evening I really wanted to see you, so we left immediately.

– You must be tired? – Zhou Keyu asked with a frown. – Have you been on the road all night?

– Nearly. – Patrick's father answered, placing a small bag of belongings at the doorstep. – Yours mom was going half the night, guys.

– Oh, don't exaggerate, dear! – she waved her hand. – Well, show how you live here, boys! And oh, Keyu, are you cooking?

– A little. – Zhou Keyu shook his head. – Want to join breakfast? PaiPai and I just woke up.

– I wouldn't mind trying your concoction. – Patrick's mom nodded, smiling.

– Okay. – Zhou Keyu smiled back. – Then sit down at the table, and I'll take your things. Are you staying with us?

– We planned to stay with you for a couple of days, if you will allow. – she laughed.

– Don't talk nonsense, mom. – Patrick snorted, pouting. – We are always glad to see you. Stay, the house is big, we'll find a place for you.

– Okay, okay, thanks. – she gently patted Yin Haoyu's cheek.

Zhou Keyu picked up the bag of things and took it to the spare room while Patrick seated his parents at the table and put the food on the plates.

At breakfast, the parents were interested in the life of Patrick and Keyu, and Yin Haoyu noted with tenderness that now His Prince spoke more and livelier than usual. Zhou Keyu seemed to shake off the mask of coldness and haughty politeness that his Father and older brothers demanded of him. Now he laughed a lot and even joked, not afraid to show his real self, and Patrick was pleased to see him like that. He looked at Keyu as he talked about how he enjoyed his new life, and Patrick's heart was light that Zhou Keyu now looks so happy and at home.

darlingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें