first step

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Zhou Keyu liked the new house at first sight. Cozy and spacious enough, with a small, albeit abandoned, garden. It was fenced in by a faded, but still firmly standing fence with a large gate, and in general, in all its appearance, it resembled a great mansion.

– Do you like it? – Patrick asked. His eyes looked at his beloved with hope and excitement.

– I do, very much. – Zhou Keyu nodded with a gentle smile.

– The house isn't in the best condition now, but when I was a child I loved it so much! – Patrick said and his voice sounded sadly. – It was very beautiful here before, this garden... I never wanted to leave, but we had to.

– Now you're back. – Keyu put his arm around his waist and kissed him on the cheek. – And we'll try to make it even better here.

– Yes. – Yin Haoyu nodded and smiled broadly. – Let's go in?

Zhou Keyu nodded and followed him. Patrick pushed open the gate, and it creaked open to admit new owners. A stone path led directly to the house. Patrick opened the door with a key and they went inside.

Zhou Keyu put the bags on the doorstep and went to get the rest of the things while Patrick looked around. Much has changed here, he remembers this house as completely different. There were layers of dust on the remaining furniture, and the fabric that covered the cabinets and windows had turned from white to dirty gray. There is a lot of work to be done here. It's good that the floor and walls are in good condition, otherwise it would take a lot of money and time to replace them.

– He rode off on a horse. – Keyu entered the house with the remaining things. – I took all our belongings, but the carriage and the rest of the horses remained here.

– Dad must have bought this carriage for us. – Patrick said thoughtfully. Then he sneezed. – We need to clean up. – he winced. – I'll do it.

– I'll help you. – Zhou Keyu said readily.

– Okay. – Patrick smiled.

They quickly found the things they needed for cleaning and even found a well in the garden. Patrick was surprised that the water was still in the well, because their family left here almost ten years ago. But it was great. As if fate itself was favorable to them.

At first, Keyu wasn't used to holding a rag in his hands and cleaning the floors, because he had never done cleaning before. Like all princes, he had servants who did this work. But Patrick patiently taught him such seemingly trifles. He showed how to properly wash tables and windows so that there would be no dirty stains on them, explained that the floors should be washed towards the exit to make it more convenient.

By the evening, they tidied up in the former bedroom of parents and Patrick's nursery, in which Zhou Keyu lingered for a long time, examining Yin Haoyu's children's toys and listening to his stories about the past.

– You did a great job, my Prince. – Patrick teased as Zhou Keyu fell wearily into an easy chair.

His clothes and hair were damp with sweat, but Patrick thought that even so, he looked incredibly handsome and hot.

– I have a good teacher. – Zhou Keyu answered in the same tone. Patrick smiled, looking tenderly at Keyu sprawled in chair. They did a really good job today. Patrick thought in such a short time they could only clean one room, but they managed to do more. And even though most of the work is still ahead, Patrick is glad that today they managed to do so much.

– How do you feel? – he asked, walking up to Zhou Keyu and wiping Keyu's forehead with a handkerchief. – You're all sweaty, don't forget to wash later.

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