first time

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– Tired? – Patrick looked softly at Zhou Keyu, who was lounging on their bed.

– Tired. – Keyu nodded, smiling at Patrick, and patted chest, calling him. – Go for a hug?

Yin Haoyu laughed, but obediently walked over, lying next to Keyu and hugging his waist. He rested his head on His Prince's chest and listened to his breath.

– I'm glad Mr. Zhan is now paying me the full amount. – Zhou Keyu said, lazily stroking Patrick's hair. – And although I don't like this oldman at all, he even recommended me to some of his acquaintances, can you imagine? – he said enthusiastically.

– Really? – Patrick asked dumbfounded, raising himself up to look into Keyu's eyes.

– Really, baby. – Zhou Keyu smiled. – So maybe very soon I'll have more work and money. And we can slowly begin to restore the garden and buy the necessary things.

– So great! – Patrick whispered, rubbing his nose against Keyu's neck. – But I'm afraid you'll be quite tired. I don't really help you.

– Hey, don't say that. – Zhou Keyu stroked his cheek. – Who, if not you, comeback home in the morning yesterday?

It's true, Patrick sometimes moonlights as a musician or singer at the holidays of rich people. Yesterday he was invited to dinner in honor of the birthday of a noble man, but Patrick had absolutely no plans to stay for a long time. However, the festive dinner gradually turned into dancing until the morning, and Patrick had to entertain the drunken audience with songs and music. He was very tired, but the merry guests gave him much more money than was originally promised.

– Besides, you do all the housework. – Zhou Keyu added. – So it's better for you not to work at all, baby.

– Who am I, your wife? – Patrick snorted but couldn't help smiling.

– Husband. – Zhou Keyu corrected him and laughed as he received a weak poke in the stomach. – You know, maybe we can equip that empty room for a small classroom? – he suggested, looking at Yin Haoyu.

– A good idea. – Patrick nodded. – Then you'll be under my supervision. And none of Mr. Zhan's maids will stick to my husband!

– Baby, do you still remember this? – Zhou Keyu laughed at the inflated Patrick. – Hey, that was just a joke, don't be so jealous!

– I'm not jealous! –Yin Haoyu objected.

Zhou Keyu laughed again and hugged Patrick tightly. Patrick sighed. It was warm in Keyu's arms, and he would have stayed there forever if he could. He buried his nose into Zhou Keyu's neck and exhaled loudly, tickling his skin. Zhou Keyu laughed.

– You're so silly. – Patrick said, looking at the smiling face of His Prince. – Look at you, fooling around like a child.

– I'm just so happy. – Keyu answered, looking tenderly into Yin Haoyu's eyes. His eyes shone with love, and Patrick knows that this love is meant only for him. He's the only one Keyu looks, and only one he loves so much. So maybe he really shouldn't be so jealous.

– I'm happy too. – Patrick replied with a smile and then kissed Keyu on the lips. At first timidly, as if for the first time, and then habitually wet and deep. It got a little hot.

Zhou Keyu returned the kiss immediately. He ran his fingers through Patrick's hair and squeezed it gently, sending goosebumps through Yin Haoyu's body. Patrick didn't remain in debt – he threw his leg over Zhou Keyu's waist and climbed onto his stomach to control the situation himself. Sometimes he like to "command" over Keyu, because he know what power endowed with, and he know that Zhou Keyu unlikely to ever take it away from him.

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