first workday

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This night was restless. Patrick couldn't sleep at all, tormenting himself with various thoughts, and from this, Zhou Keyu couldn't sleep either.

– I'm so worried. – Patrick turned to face Keyu and found him with a glance in the semi-darkness. – Tomorrow is your first day at work... what if something goes wrong?

– Baby, what could go wrong? – Zhou Keyu laughed softly and moved closer to wrap his arms around Patrick's waist. – Unless... All of Mr. Zhan's maids will fall in love with me.

– So stay there with those maids! – Zhou Keyu didn't see him clearly, but he could tell with certainty that Patrick was pouting. – I won't let you come in home!

– Baobei, I was joking, don't pout. – Keyu laughed and kissed Yin Haoyu's naked shoulder. The warmth of his skin settled pleasantly on Keyu's lips.

Lately, Patrick has been allowing himself to sleep half-naked more and more, and this pleases Zhou Keyu because it makes him feel that Patrick has complete trust in him. When they lived in the palace and slept in the Young Prince's bed, Yin Haoyu wasn't as open with Keyu as he is now, and was often embarrassed.

But sometimes Zhou Keyu doesn't like it. Because half-naked Patrick next to him in bed is literally testing Zhou Keyu's endurance and patience. And he doesn't want to hurry up and do something wrong, or even worse – scare Patrick.

Almost a month has passed since they live in their house, but during this time their relationship hasn't progressed beyond deep kisses. As if something constantly stopped them, didn't allow them to cross this line. Of course, this didn't bother Zhou Keyu much, because it was important for him that Patrick felt comfortable. But sometimes he really wanted to break...

– What if Mr. Zhan's son turns out to be spoiled and capricious? – Patrick asked anxiously, still thinking about tomorrow.

– Then I'll knock him on the head and go home. – Zhou Keyu shrugged, making Patrick loudly indignant.

– What? You will be a terrible father! Yin Haoyu teased, and Zhou Keyu was literally breathless.

Does this mean that Patrick is also thinking about children in their distant future together?

– What you said? – Zhou Keyu rose on his elbows and looked at Yin Haoyu, trying to see his face in the semi-darkness. – PaiPai, please tell me this is not a joke.

– I... – Patrick was embarrassed and looked away. – I would want to... But if you don't want...

– I want! – Zhou Keyu interrupted him before he could finish. – God, baby, I really want this. – he stroked Patrick's head, tousled his hair. – Of course not now, but...maybe...later?

– When will we get older? – Patrick finished his thought and chuckled softly. – We can't have children, but... could we take care of the orphans? That would be great, right?

– Yes. – Zhou Keyu smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek. – Yes, baobei, that would be great.

– Ugh, we're like vanilla lovers from children's fairy tales. – Patrick laughed and pulled Keyu towards him for a kiss.

His lips pressed softly against Zhou Keyu's, and his fingers tangled in his hair. It became warm, and he purred, smiling contentedly. He is happy.

– You need to sleep, hubby. – Patrick teased Zhou Keyu by pulling away. – I shouldn't distract you.

– I don't mind missing a few hours of sleep if you keep kissing me like that. – he chuckled, pecking Yin Haoyu's lips once more.

– Do you want to ruin your first day at work with a lack of sleep? –Patrick smiled as Keyu kissed him on the chin.

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