first problem

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When they left Prince's bedchamber, they saw that a servant was waiting for them outside the door, and Zhou Keyu didn't like this at all. He mentally howled and wondered how long the servant had been here and how much he had overheard. Keyu already foresaw the speed with which another rumor would run through the palace about what Young Prince and his favorite musician were doing in Prince's bedchamber.

This angered him and he narrowed his eyes angrily at the servant.

– I don't remember asking to accompany me. – Young Prince said coldly, and his voice vaguely sounded like a growl. – I know the way to the hall, so you can be free. Go and do your job.

The servant bowed nervously and hastened to leave, even stumbling in fear along the way.

Patrick, shyly watching Prince all this time, lightly touched Zhou Keyu's hand, as if calming him. His fingers ran down Keyu's shoulder, stroked his back gently and tousled the hair on the back of his head. Patrick stepped closer and gently pressed his lips to Prince's shoulder. Zhou Keyu sighed heavily, but soon relaxed noticeably.

– I'm so sorry. – Yin Haoyu said quietly, and Prince turned to him in surprise.

– What are you sorry? – he asked, looking closely at Patrick. – Baby, it's not your fault.

– No, I'm serious. – Patrick pursed his lips and seemed embarrassed. – I'm sorry it happened. That's my fault. If I hadn't... – he stuttered, blushing, and Zhou Keyu laughed, understanding him perfectly.

– Seduced me? – he prompted, and Patrick nodded sheepishly.

– If I had returned to my room in time, your servant wouldn't have noticed us. – he said.

Young Prince smiled softly and took Yin Haoyu's hand, kissing his cool fingers gently. Patrick seems to be getting nervous again.

– Hey, it's okay. – Zhou Keyu answered. – We haven't done anything that we should sorry.

– It's because your servant interrupted us in time. – Patrick said, and Keyu raised an eyebrow tantalizingly.

– No, PaiPai, it's was not in time. – he objected, gently wrapping his arms around Yin Haoyu's waist and leaning towards his face. – I swear I was ready to kill him at that moment. – he whispered in Patrick's ear. – But even if we hadn't stopped... and did it, I wouldn't regret anything. And let the damn servants talk about me whatever they want.

– Oh, you really don't care about this? – Patrick asked, but there was no surprise in his voice, only flirt. – So I shouldn't too?

Zhou Keyu chuckled and kissed Patrick briefly on the ear, immediately noticing his quivering. He likes to be aware of the fact that he acts on Patrick the same way Patrick acts on him.

– You know, we still have the opportunity to go back and continue what we started. – Zhou Keyu said, and his lips touched Yin Haoyu's temple weightlessly.

– Will your Father be happy about it? – Patrick answered in the same tone, coquettishly running his finger across Zhou Keyu's chest. Young Prince gasped with delight.

– Are you seducing me again? – he asked, knowing full well that he wouldn't last long if Patrick didn't stop touching him like that.

– What are you talking about? How can I? – Yin Haoyu asked innocently, making Keyu chuckle. – Can't I touch my lover?

– You're teasing me brazenly. – Prince snorted, grabbing Patrick's hand and squeezing his fingers gently. – But you know... I also have an ace in the hole.

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