first quarrel

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After a few days, the house became much cleaner. Zhou Keyu and Patrick completely tidied it up, cleaned the furniture and laid out all their belongings. Some furniture really had to be thrown away because it was old and also creaked disgustingly. But most of it was in order, and some of the furniture needed only a little repair. Zhou Keyu has already set aside some money for it.

– Enough space for the two of us for now, – Patrick said as Zhou Keyu, tired after cleaning, hugged him from behind. – But for the future... If you do become a teacher and work with children here, we will need to buy a bigger table and a few more chairs.

– It will not be soon. – Zhou Keyu answered and rubbed his cheek against Patrick's shoulder. – Don't think about it yet, baobei.

– Okay. – Patrick smiled and turned his head to softly kiss Keyu's hair. – Tired?

– Yeah. – Keyu nodded and closed his eyes. – Let me tempt you to sleep?

– I'll let. – Yin Haoyu laughed and ruffled Prince's hair. – But only after we wash. Look at yourself, you're all sweaty. I'll go warm the water, wait here.

– Yes, sir. – Zhou Keyu nodded and reluctantly released Patrick from embrace, allowing him to leave.

He was about to land on the nearest horizontal surface, but suddenly someone knocked on the door. Zhou Keyu tensed as he listened.

Who could come to them so late? Had Father's people found him and Patrick?

The knocking was repeated more insistently, and Zhou Keyu nevertheless decided to open the door.

A well-dressed man stood in the doorway. He didn't look like a guardsman, and he looked too old for the position, so Keyu allowed himself to relax a bit.

– Good evening. – the stranger smiled affably, bowed slightly, and carefully examined Zhou Keyu from head to toe. Keyu suddenly remembered how bad he looked now.

– What you need? – he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Zhou Keyu was still determined to find out who was standing in front of him and what he was even doing here so late. His formidable appearance and cold gaze must have slightly puzzled the stranger, so the man hastened to justify himself.

– Nothing. – the stranger said with a good-natured smile. – My wife and I saw the light in your house. And we were very surprised, because we had never seen anyone living here before. – he explained. – So I decided to pay you a visit and get acquainted. We are your neighbours.

– Oh neighbors. – Zhou Keyu breathed a sigh of relief. – Good. – he nodded and also bowed, finally welcoming the guest. – It's very nice of you to greet us, but we've just moved in, so I can't invite you to dinner. – he said politely.

– I see. – the neighbor nodded and smiled again. – There must be so much work here? Such a big house... I have never seen light through these windows before, although I have lived in the area for almost ten years.

– Yes, this house has been empty for a long time. – Keyu nodded. – As soon as we finish with the renovation, you will be one of the first to be invited to us. We'll be glad to see you and your wife.

– Thanks for the invitation. – the man nodded, and then, as if remembering something, asked: – Oh, I'm sorry, did you say "we"?

– Me and my husband. – Zhou Keyu explained, carefully observing the reaction of the newly minted neighbor.

– Oh, so you're newlyweds? – even if the man was surprised, he skillfully hid it. – Then it's all the more incomprehensible to me why you chose a house on the outskirts, and not in the center. Here are far fewer opportunities and entertainment for young people.

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