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I made a mistake. I made a BIG mistake. Flowey was right, I'm really an idiot. I shouldn't have killed him now. I SHOULD NOT HAVE KILLED HIM.
I keep repeating these words to myself as I walk through Waterfall. After a long way, Flowey finally asks me the question.
Flowey: Are you okay? I see you thoughtful.
Aliza: Ahhhhh why did I kill him? It was too early! What an idiot I am!
Flowey: Don't blame yourself. It was probably instinct that made you act.
Aliza: Probably, but that doesn't take away the fact that I did it. Now the brother could attack me at any moment!
Flowey: In fact, he can be unpredictable and ... wha-...are you crying?
Only now I realize that tears are falling from my eyes. Again.
Flowey: And what are these due to?
I reply sobbing.
Aliza: I-I have no idea! Maybe I still have feelings of guilt for Papyrus, maybe for everyone, maybe I'm scared, maybe.... I DON'T KNOW!
Flowey: Woah calm down. If it makes you feel better, I could go check for any monsters around, even if it looks like you've emptied the whole marsh before.
As soon as I realize he's about to leave me, I feel like something has stopped in my throat.
Aliza: N-NO!
Flowey: Uh?
Aliza: P-Please don't leave me alone! I ... I ...
Flowey: Are you afraid of being alone? I would have understood you before but now you should be the one who scares others.
Aliza: I know but...
Flowey: Come on, I won't take long. What if we suddenly find someone in front of us? I better proceed further, I can't take you underground with me so...see you later, in the meantime have fun with some monsters if you find them. And anyway, we have already come a long way.
My voice begins to get more and more breathless.
Aliza: Flowey I don't think it's a ....
Where is he gone? Is he already gone? DID HE ABANDON ME? WHERE ARE YOU?
I have been afraid of being left alone since I was six.
I start looking around. I feel a strong anxiety rising. I begin to breathe with difficulty.
But I can't stay here. I start running in search of someone. I start screaming with the hope that someone will find me. I scream, but no one seems to be around.
Did I kill everyone?
Aliza: PLEASE ....
I can't continue. I crouch on the ground, starting to cry more and more.
I start to gasp, I can hardly breathe. I'm beginning to regret killing creatures that could have kept me company, even if they were aggressive. I am alone.
I can't stay here anymore. I need to find someone.... I'm feeling bad that I can't breathe properly..... and then everything goes dark again.....

???: Hey! It's you! Uh ... (is she sleeping?)
I am awakened by a familiar voice.
Aliza: Uh.... what's happening? Who are you...
???: Yo it looks like you had a horrible nightmare!
Aliza: y... you ...
It's that kid. Normally I would be mad at him for bringing Papyrus to me, but right now I don't care and I hug him with immense joy because I'm finally not alone anymore.
Monster kid: Yo that's very nice of you, I'd like to reciprocate but you see... I don't have arms.
Aliza:w...where are we?
Monster kid: We are in Waterfall!
Ah, right. I get up.
Monster kid: Is it just me or the atmosphere is more quiet than usual?
I try to change the topic.
Aliza: Do you ... want to keep me company?
Monster kid: Yo sure!
The little monster and I start walking in the rain. How does it rain underground anyway?
Monster kid: Man, you remind me of a human who passed through here a long time ago. I was very young compared to now when it happened. Undyne always spoke bad about them to me, she says they hurt monsters!
Aliza: Hey.... can you tell me more about....Undyne?
Monster kid: Once she was mythical! She only hurt the bad guys, she was very tough!
Aliza: And now?
Monster kid: Now....she scares me a little heh.....But, I don't mean she's bad or anything! She's just ... different from how she used to be, just like everyone else.
Aliza: But... aren't you hungry?
Monster kid: Of course I am! But I can't do anything. All of us are forced to eat badly, like a water sausage once every 2 months, or even years! Hehe...
Woah... now I'm starting to understand. They are in a very bad condition....
Monster kid: But yo don't worry, the queen will save us!
An awkward silence begins to loom. Until we hear voices.


Monster kid: It's Undyne's voice!
Only now I realize that we have arrived in the room full of echo flowers.
We walk by them and listen to a conversation, but only Undyne is heard.
Echo flower 1: That lousy human killed your brother with a lot of other monsters, and you let them get away?
Monster kid: Ah! Undyne found out that there is a human nearby. But then are them dangerous?
Echo flower 2: You are useless! I know you won't be able to find them! Here I always have to think about it. I swear I'll find them and make them pay!
Is she talking to Sans? Was he in Waterfall too and didn't find me?
Monster kid: Yo we should leave before Undyne finds us!
I do not listen to him because my attention is directed to an echo flower that we have not yet heard. I hear a deep voice coming from it. I walk up to it alone and start listening....

Echo flower: do you think that you will be able to hide forever? I will find you sooner or later and you will pay for what you did...
After hearing this I begin to shiver. He has a different voice than usual but I know it's him...did he know I'd get here?
I remain paralyzed staring at the flower.
Monster kid: Yo are you okay? Looks like you saw a ghost!
It takes me a while to answer.
Aliza: Y-yes I'm fine. However, I will not go back because you see .... I don't live there but .... could you accompany me?
I want he to at least accompany me until I find Flowey. I'm not going to be alone again.
Monster kid: Yo but Undyne ...
Aliza: If she finds us, we'll tell her you were just accompanying me. There is nothing wrong with it, right?
I start walking and he follows me. We pass under a kind of arena, then suddenly I start to feel very hot....
Monster kid: You're right .... so do you live in Hotland?
Aliza: Uh?
Monster kid: That's the name of this place!

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