Part 4

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I stand corrected, Mr Archebald might not be the worst human being ever. Mr Knight is certainly trying his best to dethrone him today.

I completed everything on his list from this morning's voice mail, which consisted of various emails that had to be sent, follow-up phone calls to be made and documents that had to be printed and filed (and there were a lot of them).

As the day went on, he kept adding other menial tasks for me to complete, that aren't even worth noting separately. A lot of this was work that he would normally delegate to interns in the company but today he assigned them especially for me.

Just when I was finished with all of that and preparing to take my lunch break, Mr Knight interrupted me once more.

"Miss Bennet, would you step into my office?" His voice came through on the intercom.

"Right away sir," I replied before straightening myself up and mentally preparing for whatever it was that he was going to throw at me now.

I was mildly irritated at his timing. He did it on purpose, he knew when I took my lunch and waited until then to call on me.

I rapped my knuckles on his door before entering his office.

Don't say something snarky Elizabeth, remember, you need this job.

"Ah, Elizabeth," He said looking up from his paperwork. He said it like he was surprised to see me as if he wasn't the one to call me over.

"I want to change the filing system from categorical order to alphabetical." He stated, folding his hands in front of him on his desk, looking at me head-on.

That is going to take forever. There are hundreds upon hundreds of files in that room. Surely there were interns that could handle that? Was I not his personal assistant? Not his filing clerk...

"May I ask why?"

He cocked his head to the side at my question.

"It would make things so much more efficient, don't you think?" He asked, the challenge apparent in his tone and a hint of a smirk gracing his lips.

"Very well sir, when would you like this to be complete?" I ground out.

"You can start with this right away. Today ought to be sufficient time to complete this task."

That son of a...

He wanted me to skip lunch. And I'm sure he is well aware of how long all of this will take to complete. I'd have to stay late.

"Is that a problem Miss Bennet?" He arched an eyebrow at me.

He was studying my expressions, daring me to say what was going through my head.

"No, not at all sir," I said with the sweetest smile I could muster.

"That is all," He said, dismissing me with a wave of his hand before his attention was once again on the paperwork before him.

I exited his office and headed for the filing room.

Very well Mr Knight, if that's how you want to play it. I'll show you exactly who you're dealing with.

I quickly messaged Julie that I wouldn't be joining her for lunch (not that it would make that big of a difference to her if I did) before tying my hair back and diving right into work.


By 18:30 the office was almost completely cleared out. Our floor was dead silent by 19:30.

I was only halfway, through the files.

All the files were splayed out around me in piles on the ground. A crank has started to form in my neck from the position that I was sitting in and I seriously needed a bathroom break.

I kept telling myself that I only had to finish one more letter and then I'd go.

I wonder what our dear old mother ordered for dinner tonight.

She couldn't cook to save her life, but she could order the best "home-cooked" meals you've ever tasted.

Maybe there would be some left when we get back?

Stop it! You're making me hungry!

Black dress shoes stepped into my line of sight. My eyes travelled from his shoes, up the legs of his trousers, past his button-down shirt until I was met with his cold green eyes.

"Oh it's you, I'm not done yet," I stated simply, focusing on the files in front of me again.

It was late and all formality flew out of the door along with the other employees as they clocked out.

There was a pause.

"Seems like this is still going to take you a while. You better let George know you won't be meeting him tonight." He said coolly.

His words stopped my hand mid-air as I was reaching for another file.

Was he bloody serious? Was this whole thing about that voice mail from George!

I looked up slowly to meet his eyes once more. I looked ridiculous trying to stare him down from my cross-legged position on the floor but that didn't stop me from speaking my mind.

"Was this whole filing thing about that? Did you just want to stop me from seeing George?" I asked incredulously.

I hadn't even thought about George since listening to his message. I hadn't even decided whether or not I was actually going to meet him tonight.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't flatter yourself, I wouldn't waste my time or company resources like that. This is your job, that's why you're here sorting through files and no other reason."

I call bull!

"Whatever you say," I said under my breath.

"I'll see you tomorrow Miss Bennet." He said coldly, before turning his back to me to leave.

"Oh and just so you know," I called after him, stopping his retreating form.

"I never actually said I'd meet him. I might have forgotten about it all together had you not mentioned it just now."

I don't know why I was telling him any of this but I knew I had to.

After his letter, something changed not only between the two of us but my opinion of George was also altered. I hadn't decided what I'd do should I ever meet George again. But I couldn't just ignore what Willaim had written down...

I didn't know who or how much to believe yet.

Mr Knight's head dropped before he spoke up again.

"You can finish the rest of this tomorrow, it's late."

"No, it's fine sir..." I began to protest.

"Elizabeth, get your butt out of this room or I'll lock you in here for the night."

That did it. I jumped up, ignoring the pins and needles in my legs and collected all of my belongings.

Mr Knight was still standing in the doorway and I had to brush past his shoulder to exit the room.

He locked the door behind me and we made our way to the elevator together, neither saying a word. It was late and we were both tired after the day we had.

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