Part 15

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For the most part, it was business as usual working with William. We were both still professionals and able to focus on the task at hand. I have to note that there were significantly less tedious jobs handed over to me. I hadn't stepped foot back into the filing room and as far as I knew, the job had been handed off to some of the other interns to complete.

I almost fell off my chair when one of the interns was called for a coffee run and a cup was not only placed on William's desk but on mine as well.

"If I had known that coffee would be included, I would've snogged you a long time ago," I said, closing my eyes as I savoured the aroma floating from my cup.

"Is that so?" He asked a hint of amusement in his voice. 

"Definitely," I responded, taking another leisurely sip.

A call came through on William's line. He answered it without me paying much attention to what he was saying.

This was seriously the best cup of coffee that I have ever had.

Was that a hint of vanilla that I tasted?

I took another sip just to make sure.

Yup, definitely vanilla...

William cleared his throat from beside me.

My eyes shot open to find him hovering over me, one eyebrow cocked.

"Bloody hell!" I sat up straighter as my hand inadvertently landed over my beating heart.

I seriously have to put a bell around this man's neck otherwise my heart might just combust. 


Would you stop...

"Come, we've got a meeting to get to," William said as he pulled my office chair out. 

"But my coffee," I stared longingly at the cup that was left behind on my desk as I stood and collected my belongings. 

I didn't care how stupid I sounded. That was a freaking good cup of coffee. 

"I'll take you out for coffee afterwards," He placed his hand on the small of my back as he lead me out of the office. 

We walked down the marble hallways that had felt cold and intimidating when I first started working here. Now, with William beside me, it didn't feel the same anymore. 

He opened the door to one of the board rooms and let me through before following suit. 

An intern came scurrying inside with a stack of papers in her arms. She looked timid, hardly daring to make eye contact as she greeted us before placing the stack of papers in front of me on the table. She left the room as quickly as she came in. 

I could relate. I knew how agitating it could be to start a new job, not to mention a job under one of the most prestigious and intimidating men you could ever come across. 

His presence demanded respect and attention wherever he went. Even now, when his eyes were meticulously scanning over the documents in front of me, ensuring they were without a fault, he made me squirm on the spot. 

Although I realised, this might not so much be because I was frazzled by his presence. At least not in the same as that intern had been. I got the chance to admire him as he hovered over my shoulder. His jaw was cleanly shaven, not a single part of his appearance out of place. His brows were set, a serious expression resting on his face, all traces of his previous lightheartedness had vanished into thin air. And I don't know how he managed it, but he was somehow even more attractive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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