chapter seventeen . moving day

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Nat only stopped singing in the background when she realised she could actually sing

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Nat only stopped singing in the background when she realised she could actually sing.

She didn't wanna blame her lack of participation on that, but it was true. After Sectionals, she felt that she had discovered a new part of herself. A special, amazing new part of herself. So, why shouldn't she use it for solos and duets?

"I am very disappointed in you guys." Schue starts.

"I can’t believe you narced on us." Finn glares and Nat nods, "Yeah, what the hell, Rach?"

"Don’t get mad at me for exposing your laziness. I’m tired of carrying all of your weight. Regionals is in a month, guys." Rachel lectures

"I’m just trying to understand what’s going on here. Finn, why did you stop singing?" Shue asks.

Finn shrugs insecurely, "'Cause you started giving all the male leads to Jesse. It kind of shook my confidence, y'know.:

Santana lets out an exasperated sigh, "What difference does it make? Everyone knows that my job here is to look hot."

Nat nods and chuckles, "That is all too true, Fruity. I only stopped singing because I've found my self worth."

"My baby hormones are making me moody." Quinn says, looking at Nat and Santana, who were making weird faces at each other.

"There are so many lyrics." Brittany says blankly.

"Okay. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. A glee club is about a myriad of voices coming together as one. Alright? This ends now. Which is why your assignment for the week is for each of you to come up with a song that best represents how you see yourself, where you are in your lives right..." Schue's voice faded out as Nat's brain begins to whirl with ideas.

She looks at Quinn and an idea slowly begins to form. A stupid, crazy, probably really, really bad idea. Nat blinks and suddenly, Quinn's eyes were on her. She smirks and winks, knowimg that Quinn would now have an infinitude of suspisions and questions. This was gonna be so much--

"Nat? Nat! Glee's over," Kurt interupts her daydream, "Stop staring at Quinn and come on."

Nat stands up quickly, "I'm not staring!" she hisses quietly, "You're staring!"

Both Mercedes and Kurt laugh, before leading Nat out of the choir room. Kurt smiles, "I am going to kill this assignment. If there’s one thing that I know, it’s my voice. I have exactly the same vocal range as 16th-century castrato Orlando di Lasso. But you know what he didn’t have??"

Both girls shake their heads.

"A song by Miss Whitney Houston in his back pocket." Kurt says excitedly.

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