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Maya exhaled as she looked at Aurora who was busy playing with some of her toys as she saw how Josh came through the door.

"I don't think we can do August. It just seems too much. Too early," Maya said.

"Okay, I'll let you know what we do. We arrange it for October. We can do it next year as well. We don't have to cancel. Doing a wedding in less than 2 months is insane," Josh said as Maya nodded.

"We anyway may need to postpone it even further," Maya said as Josh looked at her.

"I'm pregnant again. I took a test this morning and it came out positive. Surprise," Maya said as Josh smiled immediately kissing her.

"No matter what you say, a child won't ever change us. And I know Aurora is still very young. It won't change us. Maybe saving for the wedding is a good idea," Josh said.

"Maybe," Maya said.

"I know it is. Besides, it doesn't look like a lot of people are available to come during August so changing it might be a good idea," Maya said.

"We are getting you to the doctor early in the morning. We need to figure out how far you are. Luckily we haven't made any plans for the wedding yet. People would think I'm only marrying you because you're pregnant," Josh said.

"And that we don't want. I also think we should wait awhile longer," Maya said.

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