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Maya had looked as she and Josh were rushing through the hospital as Josh was holding Aurora. She saw as Lucas had sat aside while she exhaled.

"Lucas," Maya said as Lucas looked up at his cousin.

"Hey you guys came. It wasn't needed to drag the baby here as well," Lucas said as Josh had put Aurora down who went to Lucas.

"Hey, Aurora. How are you, Sweetie?" Lucas asked as he picked her up.

"What happened? Where's Riley?" Maya asked.

"In surgery. It isn't going good. We did a scan when we got here. The kid isn't mine. It's Charlie's. She is technically 20 weeks. I hate all of this," Lucas said looking at Aurora.

"Is she having a miscarriage?" Maya asked as Lucas nodded.

"She's busy losing the baby, yes. The doctors..." Lucas said as he saw how a doctor came out handing Aurora over to Maya.

"Mr Friar," he said as Lucas looked at him.

"I'm so sorry. We lost the baby. There was nothing we could do to safe it," he said as Maya exhaled.

"How's Riley?" Lucas asked.

"She wanted to fight with everything she has. She nearly gave her own life to safe the child," he said.

"What a mother would do," Maya said.

"This is Riley's uncle, Josh, and his wife, Maya, with their daughter, Aurora," Lucas said.

"Riley is going to need all the support she can get," he said.

"I'll be right back," Lucas said as he went out of the hospital.

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