Chapter 3

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As I sit here on my motel bed writing on this notebook, I can't help but think about Clay. I can't feel any emotions, but I can still think about it. I was looking up on social media to see how Clay, Jess, & the others have been doing since I last saw them 4 months ago. Just watching that video of Clay beating up another boy to a bloody pulp, that isn't the boy that I fell in love with, it was like he's a completely different person. After what he must've been through these past 2 years, it must've taken a huge toll on him, mentally. Would he still be like that had I not taken my own life? I want to cry for him but I can't. I also saw a video of everyone paying tribute to Monty, even after what he did to Tyler Down. I saw Monty's sister in that video, she looked sad. Of course she's sad, I killed her brother. I took away someone that was close to her, just like I took away someone who meant the world to Nora Walker. It had been 8 weeks since I last encountered with the League. There was no place where I can go where they can find me. That's why I came to Gotham. I figured since they have a history with Batman, it would flush out Ra's Al Ghul & Talia and they come looking for me here and would run into him while I make my move on them. So far, no League of Assassins, yet. But I have gone looking for some trouble since there are a lot here in Gotham. Just the other night I stopped some old guy with a puppet from bringing in weapons into the city. But now my eyes are into a bigger target, The Joker. I've read about what he's done in this city and to Barbara Gordon. All the horrible things he's done, why hasn't Batman killed him? Since Batman won't do it, I will. And that will be the last time I will take someone's life. - Hannah Baker

After Hannah finished writing in her notebook, she gets her things and gears up as she heads back into town in search of The Joker. Back at GCPD, Commissioner Gordon, Detectives Bullock & Montoya, headed to the roof of to light up the Batsignal as Barbara sees it from her apartment as she strolls up to the Watchtower and contacts Bruce Wayne.

Batman: Oracle, I saw the signal. Me & Robin are on our way.

Oracle: I really hope it doesn't have anything to do with The Joker. We really can't deal with him, now that we know that Hannah is in town.

Batman: We'll find Hannah. If it has to do with The Joker, you know we have to deal with him right away.

Robin: Then what are waiting for?

Batman & Robin both enter the Batmobile and begin making their way to the Gotham City Police Department. The Dynamic Duo arrive as they make their way to the roof where Gordon, Bullock, & Montoya were waiting for them.

Jim Gordon: Batman, Robin, thanks for coming.

Batman: Of course, Jim. Detectives.

Renee Montoya: Batman.

Harvey Bullock: Bats.

Robin: Is this about that clown?

Jim Gordon: Actually, it's not. I'm sure you're aware of what happened at Gotham Docks the other night.

Batman: Yes, I heard what happened to The Ventriloquist. How is he?

Renee Montoya: He'll live. They reattached his hand and is heading back to Arkham.

Batman: That's good to hear.

Harvey Bullock: Cut the bullshit, Bat. We know that you know who did it.

Renee Montoya: Harv!

Batman: What do you mean?

Jim Gordon: Does the name Hannah Baker sound familiar to you?

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