And here I was thinking that I had scored before I had even thrown the ball

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James’s PoV

Francois Rabelais once said “when I drink, I think and when I think, I drink.” It is the nonsense of the time in between that makes me want to kill myself but instead I kill others, making me remember that I also have a human side, a side that wants drunkenness to take over and silence my mind, making me only aware of my wolf side. Yet I wonder, what is drunkenness exactly? Stupor or an unconscious state of mind? What is it about humans and their yearn of alcohol to ease their sorrows, to choke their thoughts? Would they be able to live as werewolves, who can't get drunk unless they are partially drugged?

I have had so many years of black outs after black outs, coming back home after having had my good mix of wolfsbane with liquor, that I thought that will be my style of life until it ended but then she came along. She has made me leave vodka and crave her body, leave gin and crave her mind, leave bourbon and crave her soul; has made me leave every other type of liquor because everything pales in comparison to the drug she is. 

She doesn’t notice it though because apparently she doesn’t remember me, because somehow in a twisted way, faith has taken the only hope I was holding on to: her love.

I lock her door and then head straight to the training room. I walk all the way down the east wing, until I reach the stairs and head down two stores where the training room, that is as big as all the floor rooms together, is.

I growl. She didn’t accept, what now?  I think feeling beast growing stronger inside me
We don’t have much time James, just let me takeover
I hesitate, you will hurt her
Because you won’t be able to, we both know what is needed to be done

I sigh, dammit! I growl once again but this time I feel myself fading, losing touch with my body, letting best take over me.

Angelina’s PoV

There is the sound of rustling keys outside my door and I know I am about to face James again, after all he and the little girl are the only ones allow here. And as thought, in comes James, however, he looks different. Can’t quite pinpoint the difference but there is something about the vibe he is giving, the aura he usually so carefully protects, is out and about, making me easier to describe this darker side of him.

He throws something at me and I quickly catch it. I look at it and it is a bag full of clothes, “change, we are leaving,” he demands
I frown, clearly confused, “but we just arrived”
He raises an eyebrow but not in a playful manner, more in a defiant one, “did I say you could talk”

I snort and I am about to say that he has no upper hand on this, that I am holding all the winning cards but I decide against it, just to see where this is going. I stare at him one more time and had to the bathroom where I lock myself in, and change from my happy dress. What a waste! I think sadly.

While I am changing I hear James say, “Hurry up, we don’t have all day. I’ll be waiting outside”

I shake my head, I simply don’t get this guy. He seems to be all understood, no doubts of who he is and then things like this or the small moments when he actually seems human make me scratch my thoughts and start his profile all over. Besides if we are in such a rush why going back? This trip here took like more than four hours and there will be like other four hours to get back. How I regret not having eaten that food …

Once I am done and walk out of the bathroom I head straight to the door and dare to try unlock the handle but find it has already been unlocked. I open the door and step outside just to be frightened by James.

I killed my mate [in process, please be patient]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant