Heart shattering

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I know what it’s like, having the one you love, so close, yet so far from you.

Seven agonizing months I have been living under the same roof with Daniel and his lovely girlfriend (note the sarcasm) Layla Collins. She is an untypical queen bee, a petite, pale girl, with wavy light brown hair and dull blue eyes. Does she have something special? Out of the normal? No, at least not something from her seems unordinary. Is there bitterness in my talking? Well of course, I envy her; I want to be her so bad it hurts.

I thought that I could easily be set free from the bond, with me not being a werewolf and all, but something went wrong. I am a special child after all and even if I am not a werewolf I do have all the traits of one; so in conclusion I have the bond as strong as any werewolf has, lucky me, not!

“I still don’t know how is she able to live here” – says Adrian, my best childhood friend

“I’ve told you that my dad doesn’t know the real reason she is here”

“How is it that he doesn’t know. It has been almost a year” – he pauses annoyed – “You are about to turn fifteen A. I don’t want you to keep on with all his bullsh*it”

“I don’t wanna argue anymore” – I pause – “I am done with living under the suffering. I’m planning on leaving”

“Leaving your pack?” – He asks shocked – “No! No way! I am not letting you do that!”

“Ads I wanna do this and it would be amazing if you could help me pull it through”

“But A they are the ones that must leave, not you” – he pauses – “This is your pack, not theirs”

“I know Ads but even if I do as you say” – I pause not knowing how to describe what I’m thinking

“Your wolf won’t forgive you?” – He asks doubtful

“I don’t have a wolf” – I pause – “But this inner voice in my head won’t stop complaining about it”

“Is not your wolf voice, it couldn’t be” – he pauses – “But you being special, maybe you can’t transform but you do have a wolf”

“Ads this is not about my wolf, or whatever I have inside. I need to leave, and now”

“Okay, but you know I can’t help you” – he says sheepishly scratching his neck

I chuckle – “I know you are no good with skimming don’t worry” – I pause – “” I just want you as a distraction. I have money saved, so I’m gonna pack some stuff and leave”

“Where will you be going to?”

“Don’t worry; I’ve talked to Alpha Reynolds and he is willing to open up a place on his pack for me”

“A, everyone will be more than overjoyed o have you on their packs” – he chuckles – “I don’t think you get how beautiful and important you are” – he says coming to hug me

“I just can’t believe that anymore” – I pause hugging him tight – “It’s so much easier to believe all the bad things I’ve been told” – I say, one tear falling down my face

“Angelina look at me” – he says tilting my chin up – “You are beautiful, strong and unique. Don’t ever let anyone make you doubt that, you hear me?”

“Gosh Adrian, I feel so weak. You don’t know how many times I have fall asleep from crying, or how many times I have wish to not have been born” – I pause now crying – “All this pain is almost unbearable to my physic been, but this stupid voice keeps on telling me to hold on. That he doesn’t mean to say all those ugly things to me, or do those nasty things with Layla in front of me” – I say full on crying now

I killed my mate [in process, please be patient]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora