Don't kill me

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Heeey guuuys :(

Okaay, so I'm posting this author's note because I won't be able to post any new chapter for the next three weeks. The thing is that my Ib exaams start in exactly one week, and I haven't been the best student so I need to catch up in a lot of study if I intend to get my diplomaa, and since the evaluation itself takes two weeks; that's why I won't be able to writee :(  

I'm doing this to not keep you hanging and for you to know when exactly I will post a supeeer long chapteer that will make up for the wait (November, 23) so pleaaase don't get mad, be patieeent with mee, don't stop following the process of this book because it really meaans a lot to me.

In the meantimee I wanna give you a challenge if you want to do something while waiting. I was thinking that maybe we could have a competition in which whoever of you (aweeeeesomee readeers :) )  waant to participate. This will consist of the creation of a new character done by you, that will be added in the book. 

Whaat this character's have to have is:

An intriguing plot (dark/sad/happy/whatever you want, past)

Connection with any of the characters that already exist on the book

A real life actor/actresses to which I can further describe later on

A crazy personality (whether in the good or bad way, as in weird but funny, or dark and misterious)

The winner will obviously receive the dedication of the chapter in which his/her character appears, besides it having a 5 chapter appearance.

So pleaaaase, participateee on this by commenting on this author's note and any other extra information you wanna give you can send me a message. 

And I'll leave you a sneak peak of what the next chapter will contain

Unknown PoV

“Take off your clothes,” I say

“What?” Angelina asks shocked

“I need to check for wires”

She snorts, “yeah right, as if you ever gonna lay a hand on me,” she pauses and raises an eyebrow

“Miss,” I pause to control the urges to laugh at her innocence, “you are about to enter a safe house,” I pause and to further her annoyance, “are you aware of what that requires. I’m just doing my job, which it is checking for wires”

“Yeah that could have worked with any other girls but …”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re different, whatever. Just do as told,” I say getting closer to her but not too much so she couldn’t feel the small pull, “and no one will get hurt”

“I wasn’t going to make a remark about my awesome being, I was gonna say that if I had wires, which I don’t; the metal detector will have sound, and it hasn’t so?”

“Miss, I’m not asking for your opinion,” I pause and try to say it in a tone without it sounding rude, “please turn around and I guarantee your safety”

She shivers and that makes my wolf purr in lust, “how dare you threaten me?”  She asks disgusted

“I can do whatever I want,” I say shrugging

She huffs, “do you know who you are talking to pup?”

Did she just call me pup? Wow, this girl won’t even back down in a lost fight; I smirk, “that was such a mistake”

She smirks as well, a low, sexy smirk, “bring it on,” she pause and mischievously smiles, “pup”

I killed my mate [in process, please be patient]Where stories live. Discover now