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I once heard an old couple talking. And the man was telling lovingly to his wife, “Pablo Neruda once said: and one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us. And tonight my love, we are closer than ever; and I don’t want us to ever be apart”

 I think that tonight was meant to happen, not because I would want it too; but just because it did.

 After we arrived home and I told Alec that I was supposed to pick him up, he got pissed off as hell, and start shouting at me.

“Okay, enough is enough! I wasn’t thinking clearly at the moment, okay? I forgot, jeez, sorry. I won’t say I regret doing what I did instead of picking you up; I’m just apologizing for not letting you know it”

“I could of have taken a cab, you know? There are tons of freaking cars in this goddamn city. You could have just given me a call, instead of making me wait for three fucking hours, alone in the airport.” He said with an icy tone and glare

I giggle, “Jeez, chill out men, you know that for a hot guy you sound like such an annoying whinny girl?" I said in a mocking tone

"You know that for a hot girl, you dress like a slobby guy?" he said in a serious tone

I was hurt by that, even though it was such a superficial thing to be hurting over. Some people won’t tell the difference, but when someone talks to you with sarcasm, they actually mean what they say, they just add a mocking tone to make it sound like a joke; but when you don’t, it’s pretty obvious you feel what you say. Plus, I am an empathic, and the aura he was radiating was a pretty hostile one.

”You’re definitely not what I expected” I said with disappointment lacing on my tone

“Yeah? Well neither are you”

I chuckle humorlessly, “forget about the bet we had”

“I wasn’t going to remember it anyways. Do you really think I would want to be with you?”

That was the last straw that made me build up my façade again; and made me realized just how stupid I was by spilling my life to a stranger

“Wow, if you get this mad just because I didn’t pick you up, I’m really glad nothing else happen between us” I pause looking at him looking at me momentarily puzzled, “good night. I’ll call Melissa and let her know you are here”

I walked away, did as said and talked to Mel to let her know alpha hunter’s son had arrived home safe and sound; and went straight to my bedroom to change into sports clothes; headed to the training room and lashed out my anger with the punching box.

And here I am, it's four in the morning and I've been here for at least two hours; trying to shake off the words that Alec said to me.

'Do you really think that I would want to be with you? '

That was like a smack of reality that brought some sense back about how I've decided to deal with the pain. And I realized that I just ran away from it, I didn't confronted, I was being such a pussy about it.

I hit the punch bag so hard that the cable that was holding it broke, making a lot more noise than necessary. Damn, great, just what I needed!

I killed my mate [in process, please be patient]Where stories live. Discover now