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My eyes snap open and I hear a sound at a near distance, but I don’t know if the one causing it has good or bad intentions so my senses are all in high alert. Where am I? I think; this does not look like my room.
I sit up on the bed and stretch. I can hear the sound getting closer fast and I move back abruptly, just as I do a dart appears flying through the room and right into a wall that is behind from where I was sitting.

I couldn’t have heard that in any normal occasion, and that make me even more aware that something estrange is happening. My senses are stronger, but how? And why did someone just try to kill me?

Something distracts me from my train of thoughts, a delicious aroma that comes with the wind and in my way, absorbed by it I follow the path it is leading almost unconsciously. I walk out of the room I was in and into a hallway, I walk touching the walls like trying to grasp to reality and then the aroma becomes stronger at a door and my walking comes to a sudden halt. My breathing hitches and my heart beat races, what’s happening? I grab the door handle and take a deep breath; I open the door hesitatingly and step inside. The scent is definitely stronger but I can’t see from where or from whom it is coming, suddenly the scent intensifies and I can feel my skin getting goose bumps. A hand touches my skin and I can feel that electrifying jolt running through me again. Then everything comes back at me, meeting Eric, his son Daniel, my mate Daniel and then blacking out.

“How are you feeling Angelina?” He asks his voice sounding melodious to me
“What happened?” I ask doubt lacing in my voice
“You fainted, you were out for three days,” he pauses seeming to remember the days that had gone by with a distant look in his face that then became void
“Why was I out for three days, it seemed like hours to me,” I say confused.
“The pack doctor said it was because of us meeting,” he says shrugging
I hesitate, “What does that have to do with me fainting?” I pause, “those things don’t happen when mates first meet.”

He looks at me like I have grown another eye and he starts smiling like a fool and it make me smile a little, then he seems to be having like an internal fight with his wolf and he tries to shake the feeling off

“What? Did I say something funny?”
“You called us mates; my wolf is excited about that”

My wolf, how do I wish I had one, but it’s not possible; I sigh; “Where are we? Where’s my dad?” I ask playing with the things on the bed
“We are in a hotel Angelina,” he says coming closer
“Why are we here?” I say looking at his beautiful brown eyes
“I, I;” he pauses, “I kidnapped you”
I jerk my body back shocked, “are you out of your mind? Why did you do that?”
“Because my wolf wanted me to,” he scoffs and shudders
“What? I don’t wanna be here like this, my dad must be worrying to death”
“Don’t give yourself so much credit; I didn’t want you to be here, it’s just that my wolf keeping did and does”
“What do you mean?” I ask confused
“I don’t know why am I attracted to you, I have a girlfriend back home and she is the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen,” he says emotionless but I could tell his wolf disagreed.
I feel like someone has just thrown a punch at my stomach, it’s hard to breathe, “Why are you saying this to me?”
“Because it’s the true,” he says caressing my cheek leaving goose bumps on it, “I can’t feel this with any other person, but honestly I don’t need it. I have never like attachments and I never will; so this mate thing won’t work out,” he pauses, “unfortunately my wolf needs you, so I will have to stay around just for his sake; so what we will do is I’ll be living here but so will my girlfriend”
“Wha-wha-what?” I stutter and breathe, “What makes you think I’ll allow that? I’m not a werewolf I don’t need the bond, you do,” I say with my mind determinate on not been played, “plus I can fall in love with a human, I don’t need you”
“But aren’t you a feisty one?”  He says proud and annoyed. He pauses and says, "We are creatures from the underworld, we can't afford to love"
“You may be one, but I’m not. I do want to love”
“You can love me,” he says coming closer to me caressing my right cheek
“But you can’t love me,” I say leaning on his hand liking the way his warmth makes me feel

He moves his hand from my cheek, down to my neck and right to my shoulder blade. He then puts his other hand on my waist, and my mind is floating. I can’t seem to think clearly, too concerned on the way his touch makes me feel

“We can be happy together Angel,” he whispers at my ear and then starts kissing it, going down to my neck and into my shoulder blade.

Too distracted to notice, he opens his mouth and bites me.

I gasp, initially in pleasure but then in pain. The bite, it initiates the mating process, but he imposed over me the claim, I didn’t accept it

“How could you?” I ask outraged, “the claim is something voluntary not mandatory”

“I don’t care, you’re branded and you can’t leave me nor live without me now,” he says smirking

“When my dad finds out what you’ve done, he’s gonna kill you!”

“No because he won’t find out, because you,” he says grabbing my chin while I try to release it, “won’t say anything”

“What makes you think that?” I say taking my chin out of his grasp

“Because if he kills me, he’ll kill you too”
Great, just great, I think

Oh by the way, I can hear your thoughts, he says without moving his lips and smirking, oh yeah, you can hear mines too

No, there’s no way I’ll be living with them both and he being able to read my thoughts

“Don’t worry, someone will teach you how to block the link,” he says winking


I killed my mate [in process, please be patient]Where stories live. Discover now