Chapter 9

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I walked into the club, trailing just behind Brooklyn. She led me over to the middle of the dimly lit club where my friends were gathered.

"That's her! That's here!" Emery whisper yelled as the two of us approached. Everyone turned to look.

"Hey bro." Nolan and Zayn both said, shaking my hand. Their quick glances at the hard on I was sporting didn't go unnoticed."Hey Emery, Lexi." I greeted the both of them with a kiss on the cheek.I turned around to head over to the bar, I sure as hell needed a drink right now.

"Uhm, didn't you forget to introduce someone?" Lexi said from behind me.

I turned back around to see everyones' eyes looking at Brooklyn expectedly.

I sighed, "Nolan, Emery, you guys already met her. Lexi, Zayn, this is my mate Brooklyn."

"She's so pretty! Aww you guys are so cute together!" Lexi gushed.

"I know right!" Emery added.

"I'm Lexi by the way, Zayn's mate." she said pointing to Zayn, who smiled brightly at Brooklyn.

"Great to meet you guys." Brooklyn said. "Love your dresses."

"Thanks! Love your shoes. Steve Madden?" Emery replied.

"Yeah! 2013 spring edi..."

"Our cue to leave." Nolan said quickly. "Tell me when you’re ready to open the presents babe." Emery waved her hand dismissively as the three of them continued talking about their clothes.

Nolan, Zayn, and I walked over to the bar in the corner of the club. "What can I get you gentlemen?" the waiter behind the counter asked.

"Three shots of tequila." I said.

"Whoa, alcohol free party bro! Pregnant lady aboard!" Nolan yelled.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I have to sit in here for god knows how long and listen to them gush about shoes and babies and shit with no alcohol?!" Nolan nodded. "Damn it!"

"Well your night doesn't seem to be so bad right now. I mean judging by the enormous woody you've had since you walked in." Zayn said as he chuckled lightly.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Porno in the car?" Nolan said laughing. “Cop’s delight?” The both of them were now guffawing loudly.

*“Cop’s delight” is a sexual term, look it up for further information*

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