In the marsh

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Here's a photo of Kisa and Kasumi together, except with pale blue eyes. Comment if you like my story.
Kisa wakes up and runs around me in a circle. I laugh with her and just have fun with her, running and jumping until I see that Kisa is about to fall off the cliff. "KISA!!!" I scream and I run for her. I grab her wrist, but I start to fall in with her, so I push her up onto the ledge and I fall instead. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I scream and I close my eyes and accept my fate. Suddenly, I feel like I'm not falling anymore. I open my eyes to see that lots of hands were trying to drag me up from the cliff. I tried to help a little and soon I was on safe on solid ground. I looked up to see Leorio, Gon, Kurapika, Killua, and Kisa standing around me. I stand up and brush myself off. I walk over to Kisa and I calmly say "Thanks everyone. Be more careful, Kisa. You could have been hurt." She nods with a grim look on her face. "Don't feel sad. I'm ok. Here." I say and I pick her up she sits on my shoulders. Satotz (the examiner) starts to run again and we set off on another run through the marsh. I somehow got seperated from the rest of the group. "Guys? Anyone?" I ask at the nothingness. Kisa squirmed a little as I say "Kisa, can you see anything?" She nods her head yes and she says "I hear people." As we walk closer Kisa climbs into my hood and snuggles deep because she was cold and she falls asleep. When I got to the clearing, I see a clown man killing people with cards. I try to walk away slowly, but he saw me and grabbed my hurt wrist. I squinched in pain. He noticed this and he let me go. He said "What's your name, little one? Just answer my question and I will set you free. I don't want to fight a pretty, injured opponent." I stand down and say "My name is Kasumi. What's yours?" "Hisoka" He said. I looked at him and said "Wow. That's a pretty name." "Get away from her!" Leorio shouted at Hisoka. "Oh, well. My time with you is up. Such a pity, you are such a pretty girl." He says as he strokes my hair. That gets Leorio even angrier. "Give her back this instance!" He screamed. "All right, lets make a deal. If you want her back, you will battle me. If you walk away, she will stay with me until you fight me. All of you. I want to see your power and..." He was cut off by Gon swinging on a vine, hitting Hisoka in the back of the head. He growled at Gon, but kept his cool. "Give her back! Now!" Gon yelled. 'Why is everyone yelling. Its not like he is going to kill me.' Suddenly Kisa popps up and clings to my waist. She says "Hi, Mr Histoku. Con you help us through the forest. We sweem to be lost." He looks at me a second and then grabs my hurt arm, digging his nails into my arm. He asked "You have a child?!" Before he could do anything, something grabbed my shirt and pulled me away from his grasp. I held onto Kisa as I was dragged away. He turned to Leorio, who I had somehow landed in his arms. He set me down and he started to battle Hisoka. Leorio lands a hit on Hisoka. I don't really like fighting so I close my eyes until I hear a 'thump'. I open my eyes to find that Leorio got hit in the head and was knocked unconscious. "You monster!!" Gon growls, a angry look in his eyes. 'I've never seen him so angry. Its kinda scary.' "That facial expression is the best. I have made you angry. Good." He taunts Gon. I ask Hisoka, confused and upset. "Why did you hurt him? He was my friend." I was on the brim of tears. He looked at me sadisticaly. "I've made you cry? That's good. That face is amazing. You and Gon will be my playthings. I will spare you all this time. I will even be generous enough to take your unconscious friend to the finish. Good luck getting there." He said as he faded into the sudden mist. I sat there, a little shocked at what just happened while Kisa sits in my lap. Killua comes running up to me and shakes my shoulder a little. "Kasumi. Are you ok? You look pale." I nod yes, but I'm not ok. I feel light headed and a little dizzy. I look at my arm and notice the bandage has turned red, with a touch of green. Killua askes "What are you...?" He looks my bandage and gasps. He freaks out and says "Your arm! You're not ok. Leorio? Darn it. He's with Hisoka. Gon, Kurapika, help! Its Kasumi. She's been poisoned. Hurry..." I start to zone out a little, the dizziness getting worse. I hold Kisa close. I start to stand, saying "I'm ok. Let's get to the finish line. I don't want to stop you from winning that Hunter badge." I say as I put Kisa in my good arm, careful not to touch her with my bad arm. Suddenly I'm picked up and being carried bridal style by Kurapika. "Put me down. I need to carry Kisa." I get out of his grasp and get Kisa off of Gon. I put her on my shoulders and we are on our way. I walk a little faster to get a little farther ahead. When I'm there, I start to cry. I don't let anyone see me cry, except Kisa. This is no exception. I cry because of the pain in my arm. Kisa strokes my hair to try and make me feel better. I look at it to see that it has spread up my arm. I continued to walk, even though I felt like I was going to fall over. Kisa looked at me with concern. I say to her "I'm ok, Kisa. I know my arm looks bad, but its ok. I'll get medicine from Leorio when we get there." I continued walking until I saw a gate. I smiled at Kisa. My last thoughts before I passed out were 'We're here. We made it. I did it.'
                     *Main cast POV*
When Kasumi fell, Kurapika ran to her, and gave a short yelp "Kasumi!!" He said. He picked her up, followed by Gon and Killua, and took her over to Leorio, who had just woken up. Leorio looks at Kasumi's green arm and shoulder and winced. "What happened to her arm?" He asked. Gon said "Hisoka grabbed her wrist and poisoned it. Can you fix it?" "I'll do my best." He went to work trying to fix her arm. Killua and Gon fell asleep against a tree while Kurapika paced the ground, hoping she was ok. After about 2 hours, he says "I've extracted the poison from her body. She should be waking up any minute now." Kisa cheered which woke up Gon and Killua. Kurapika sighed in relief. Kasumi suddenly began to stir.

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