In the fight (second)

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*Kasumi's POV*

I woke up in Tsubasa's arms. 'Perfect morning.' I thought. "Tsubasa?" I ask, while poking his cheek. He sits up and looks alarmed. "What's wrong, Kasumi?" He asked. "We need to get up. Its time to fight." "Yea, Ok." He said, while sitting up. He got up and went to go get us food. "Kisa, its time to get up." I told her. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles. "Gwood morning, Sissie." Kisa says. "We have to eat, then go fight." I told her. "Okway!" She said, excited. Tsubasa came back with breakfast and we ate quickly. Kisa sat in my hood as we ran to the gym. 'Just in time.' I thought as we barged into the room, interrupting the lecture. "Sorry, sir." I said. "No need to worry." He told me. "So, Kisa your up first. You ready?" Nertro asked. Kisa pops out of my hood and jumps down. "Yes, siree." She said. Tsubasa took the gym and so did Kisa. "Ready, go!" The announcer screamed. Kisa ran to Tsubasa and started to climb on him, tickling him. "No, stop. That tickles." He said and I laughed. "I give, Kisa, I give." Tsubasa said. "Yaay yaay yaay yaay!!" Kisa yelled. Tsubasa picked himself off the ground and dusted himself off. "Kisa, I give you this Hunter's badge. Congratulations!!" Everyone knew it was a fake badge given as a toy to Kisa, so they all applauded. Kisa grinned. I pulled her along to a watering fountain. "Good job, Kisa." I told her. Kisa pulled me to a bench and we sat down. "I'm enjoying the nice weather, are you?" I asked her. "Yea!" She said, loudly.

*time skip after visiting Gon*

"Kisa, I have to go battle now. Come on." I called. Kisa jumped into my hood and we walked into the gym. "Kasumi, your turn." Nertro told me. "Bro, take Kisa." I gave Tsubasa Kisa. "Kasumi vs Kanzo" I walked up to the ring and so did this guy with a weird hat. "Ready, go!" The announcer screamed. I jumped at the guy with the hat. He wasn't expecting it, so I landed a punch on him. He stood up and ran at me, with swords. I jumped kicked him in the face and he went down.
"Kasumi is the winner!" "Next up is Tsubasa vs Bodoro." The room went quiet. The two walked up to the ring. "Ready, go!" The announcer screamed. Tsubasa was the first to react. He raced around the guy and punched him from behind. Suddenly, Killua comes up. "Killua, what are you doing?" Tsubasa and I ask. I put my hand over Kisa's eyes. Killua sharpens his claws and kills Bodoro. Killua then walks off. "Wha?" I ask, taking my hand off of Kisa. "Umm...ok, Tsubasa wins. Killua's disqualified." "Here ya go." Beans gave to me. I opened it and looked at it. It was white with a gold coast covering the top of it. Kurapika and Leo came to congratulate us. "Good job, you two." Leo said. "Very well done." Kurapika said. I smiled. 'I have friends, I have family, so I am happy.'


So, that's the end of Only a couple of us left. I hope you liked it and I'm so sorry if you didn't.


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