In the winning room

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"I was 6 when the pillage happened, but before that, I remember a boy. He was alot older than me. With slick brown hair and pale blue eyes. I think he was you. You were always nice to me, almost like a brother. But, I did some thinking and recalling. I think you are my brother, Tsubasa. And Kisa, I think your my sister. Its not a lot to go off of, but..." I concluded "What!?!?!?!" They asked in unison. "Let me explain. So, your looking for your dad. I don't know what happened to my family and Kisa's mom died at a young age. Think about it. When I found Kisa, Kisa's mom recognized me and stroked my face, like a goodbye. And you look a strikingly similar to me. Its not a lot of proof, but..." I said as I pointed at them. "Wait, I remember. I had a younger sister. Papa took her when he left. I forgot her name. I know it started with a K." He said. "Kasumi?" I offered. "Yes, that's it." He shouted, getting excited. "Ohh, wait. I also remember, before the massacre that mama was pregnant." He said, overjoyed. "Then I'm your......" I started.
"Twen I'm your......" Kisa started.
"Then your my......."

"Sisters!!" We all yell, waking up Hisoka. 'Shoot. We woke up Hisoka.' "Hello, my pretty. How are you?" Hisoka says, creeply. Tsubasa steps in and says "Hands off my sister, creep." "My, my. We have a feisty one." Hisoka teased. Kisa was up against a wall, ready to take a nap. I snuggled down next to her, just as tired. "Gwood nwite, sissie." "Good night, Kisa." And we both fell asleep.
Sorry for the short chapter. How do you like the reveal. I wish people would comment on my stories. I'm lonely.
*sits in the corner of loneliness*
Please talk to me. :(

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