In the tower

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Hi. I just wanted to let you know that I could invite a couple of people into this story if they wanted to. I've already invited one person. It all fits in with the story. This is what he looks like. truelover102forever is the one who jumped into my story. She followed me, and actually talked to me through my inbox. Those are the type of fans I love to have. I'm grateful for everyone's support and approval. Keep it up.
Love, Duck.

I awoke to find myself in a bed, with little Kisa snuggled up next to me. I smiled and looked around. I see Gon and Killua sleeping in chairs. 'Poor guys. They had to sleep in chairs.' "Good morning, you guys." I said. That woke up Killua. He looked at me with anger and a hint of fear. "Idiot. Why aren't you eating enough?! You had us all worried." Killua screamed, waking up Gon and Kisa. "Biwg sissie! Your alive." She said as she smiled at me. Gon looked at me, friendly at first, then seriously. He said "Why didn't you tell us you weren't getting anything to eat!? You could have hurt yourself." "Guys, I'm fine. I just don't like eating. I've never had a big appetite and its only been 4 days without a lot of food. All of my food goes to Kisa. She needs it more than I do." "That's not true! You need your food as much as the next person. What are we going to do with you?" Killua sighed and said. "Would all contestants come to the unloading bay? The third challenge is starting." I hopped out of bed and ran to grab my shoes. Kisa hopped into my hood and we were off.

The blimp left us off at a tower. Kisa waved back at it as it left. Leo rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as we watched a man climb off the building. I put my hand over Kisa's eyes as the man got taken away by a flying eyeball. Kisa asked. "Why did you covwer my eyes, Kasumi?" "Its over now, Kisa." I said. Kisa was sitting happily in my hood as we the group walked around looking for an entrance to the tower. Kisa hops out and looks around for a bit. I keep my eyes on her, not noticing that Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio had found an entrance already and have entered. I turn around to see that my group wasn't there. "Kisa, come back." I called. She came running towards me. I picked her up and placed her in my hood, when I found a lose floorboard. "Let's go." Kisa said, happily. I hopped onto the board and we fell. "Weeeeeeeeeee!!" Kisa screamed. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed. We fell onto a haystack and Kisa laughed. I sighed in relief. Suddenly, a board on the opposite side of us fell open. A boy about the age of Kurapika fell onto a haystack. He looks a lot like me and Kisa. "Long time no see, Kasumi. How've you been?" "Tsubasa Shiraki! Why are you here?" "Well, after I escape the orphanage, I ran away looking for my dad. Why are you here?" He asked while standing up, his hands in his pocket, really relaxed and only caring about himself. 'He's turned into a bad boy.' I was about to explain when Kisa hopped out of my hood and walked over to Tsubasa. I watched I awe as he smiled and picked up Kisa. He tickled her stomach with his small cut beard. "Wow, I didn't think you were good with kids?" I said, teasing him on the bad boy image. He put Kisa down and asked "So, why are you here?" I looked down at Kisa and he nodded. "Well, let's get to the exit." He said, halfway down the hall. Kisa held onto my hand with her little one. Suddenly, a monster appeared out of no where. Kisa his behind Tsubasa as I ran up full speed without my eyes changing. I kicked the monster in the eye and it fell to the floor. Tsubasa looked at me with his mouth wide open. Kisa ran up ahead of him and gave me a big hug. "Good jwob, bwig sissie! You killed the bweasty." Another monster came up and tried to hit Kisa. I pushed her out of the way as the monster slammed my head against the wall. "Kasumi!" Kisa yelled. Memories were flooding back into my head as I stood up and kicked the monster in the mouth as it approached. I looked over to Tsubasa and, to my surprise, his eyes were scarlet. "You have scarlet eyes?!" I asked, shocked. "Yea, so what's it to you?" He asked, without any regret for hurting our emotions. A monster appeared being him and he casually pulled his fist behind him and punched that monster in the face. "Well, we have scarlet eyes as well. Also, when I hit my head, I started to remember back from the orphanage. You were put into a different one than us after the first fire. Plus, I believe you and Kisa are my....."*Crang!* Something rang as the gate opened up finally, interrupting my point. "We'll talk about this later." He said. Kisa came running up to me and the door opened. "Tsubasa, number 252, is the third to complete the tower. Kasumi, number 406, is the forth to complete the tower. Kisa, number 407, is the fifth to complete the tower. After taking the easy path." The announcer said. Tsubasa sighed and turned to me. "What did you want to say to us?" He asked impatiently. Kisa hopped in my lap as I told them all that I remember.
Ohh, a cliff hanger. So, what do you think she remembers? Please speculate away. I want to hear what you have to say about my stories and it makes me sad that no one votes for my stories, let alone comment on them. Please, I want people to talk to me. Thank you for reading.

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