In the canyon

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This is a picture of everyone else. Enjoy

*Kasumi's POV*
I fluttered my eyes open to see 5 people looking over me. I bolt up and ask "Did I pass out? How long was I asleep for? Did anything happen to Kisa? Did I make you fail the Hunter exam?" "Everything's fine and you woke up just before the next test." Kurapika reassured me. I stood up, against everyones protest, and I walked through the gate. Inside the gate are stoves and spices. 'Is the next phase cooking? I hope it is.' Everyone else walks in and groans. Suddenly their is this big rumbling sound which made Kisa hug me. She doesn't like thunder. "Are you hungry, Buhara." He nods. He is this giant, plump man and she is this small, skinny, woman. She continues and says "The next test is cooking. My name is Menchi and his name is Buhara. We want you to make us a dish made out of the Great Stamp found in these woods. Good luck to all of you." Menchi said. Everyone else raced to find this Great Stamp, but I stayed behind for a moment. I walked up to Menchi and asked her "I think the Great Stamp is a pig. Do you have a certan way you like your pork? What kind of dish do you like?" She chuckled and said "Yes, it is a pig. I like my pork cooked meudium well and my favorite dish is pork slices with pinapple juice. I'll give you a hint on how to get the pig because you came up and asked me. The pigs weakness is his forehead. Now, off you both go, cuties. Make me a dish I will love." We thanked her (Kisa gave her a hug) and I raced out to find a pig and to turn it into a dish she would love. When I found a pig, Kisa wanted to go look for the pineapple. I killed the pig using the technique she taught me and I went to go look for a pineapple. On my way to finding a pineapple, I saw Gon figure out how to kill the pig, too. I felt proud for him. I grabbed the pineapple and hand it to Kisa to carry. I picked up the pig and we walked off to the gate. I picked a fire grill and I cooked the pig to medium well. I cut and juiced the pineapple and put it on top of the pork. Kisa put a edible flower next to it and I brought it to the small line. In the distance, I hear "Fail, next! Gross, next!" It became my turn and I gave her our dish. Kisa stood next to me and squeezes my hand. "Hmm. Exam is closed. Everyone fails." She says. I sag in defeat. Kisa pouts a little. "Except these two little girls here. The one thing they did differently than all of you is that they asked what I liked and how I liked it. Plus they made it pretty good. You two pass." Kisa cheers and gives Menchi and Buhara a hug. I thank them both. I look back at Gon and the others. They look happy for me, but sad. I don't want their dream to go to waste. I whisper into her ear. "Can you maybe give everyone another chance to redeem themselves? I don't like the idea of failing everyone." She nods and is about to say something when a blimp can be heard in the distance. I hear someone say "Its the Hunter's exam chairman, Netero." I look up to see a old man falling out of the blimp. He lands on the ground and says "I am the chairman of the Hunter exam. Menchi, do you plan to fail everyone but these two?" He said as he pointed at Kisa and me. She nodded and said "The rest of the people didn't take it seriously enough. Cooking is a art. And they insulted it. Maybe I lost my cool." "Menchi, let's let everybody take a retest, ok?" The chairman suggests. "Yes, chairman. Can you give us a ride to Mt. Split-in-half in the blimp." She asks. "Of course."
*Time skip*
When we were up in the canyon, their were spider webs with eggs dangling from them. Menchi pulls me and Kisa back from the edge and says " Be careful. Those are Spider eagle eggs. I will show you how to retrieve them and poach them." She jumps off the edge and grabs an egg. Kisa says "Wow. Menchi's aimasine." She waits for the updraft to blow her up and she pulls the egg with her. She floats up and shows off the egg. 'That was awesome.' I thought "Now you try." She tells everyone. Most people jump, including Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio. I turn to Menchi and ask "Umm, would you mind watching Kisa for me while I go get 2 eggs?" "Not at all. Kisa, come here." Kisa walks over to Menchi and holds her. I thank her and then I jump. I hear Kisa scream. I grab onto a egg, then I use one hand to put out into my hood. The thread shudders. 'It's going to break.' I think. I use my strengh to move to another egg and hold on tight. I hear Gon say "Now!" I pull and the egg drops and I start to fall. I'm lifted up by the wind and I see Kisa's face break into a smile. I give her a small hug as I walk over to a stove and I start to make 2 omelets for Kisa and I. When I'm done, I hand her a plate and a omelet. She takes a bite and her face lights up. I take a small bite and I smile. I hand my plate to the chairman. He smiles and says "Is this for me? How thoughtful. Thank you." He takes a bite and his face truly smiles. I look over at Kisa giving her plate to one of the people who didn't jump. He flips the plate out of her hand and punches her in the face. Menchi catches the plate and the omelet and says "Kisa, I'll give it to someone who will care." I run over to a crying Kisa and I give her a hug. I stand up, put Kisa into my hood, and march over to him and yell "Why would you punch a 4 year old who was trying to be nice and give you a omelet? You're mean and rude. I hate rude people." I stick my toungh out at him and he slaps me. I hear some gasps and ooohh's, but I ignore that. He says "You two are the only people who passed because your kids. She took pity and let you pass. You don't deserve to be in the hunter test." He grabbed my just healed arm and hung me over the cliff. I made myself completly still. "I'll kill you right now to save us all the trouble later." He let me go and we fell. I couldn't hear my name being called over Kisa's screaming. Something had stopped us from falling to our doom. A fishing rod. I was being reeled up the cliff. Once I was up, Kisa tackled me into a hug. Gon smiled at me, Kurapika and Leorio sighed in relief, and Killua looked at me with a little concern. Menchi grabbed the man and shoved him onto the blimp. She asked Nereto "Take care of him, will ya?" "Of course." He replies. After everyone is done with their omelets, we all board the ship for the 3rd test. "I'm so glad your safe, Kasumi." Kisa said. "I'm glad your safe in my arms, Kisa. That's what makes me happiest." I tell her. She leaps into my arms and gives me a big hug.

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