Chapter 9: Emma's story

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11 March 2034

Well, after the whole fiasco, to make a long story short, we turned on the lights, caught Sherlock kissing Molly passionately, heard someone (the author) yell "SHERLOLLY HAPPENED! YES!!!!" And last but not least, Emma told us her and Mackenzie's story.

I'll try to tell it as close to Emma's words as possible.
Emma and Mackenzie went to Military school together, and they were best friends. They were in the troop house named Falcon.

Once a year, on christmas, their captain allowed them to watch a movie. Every year it was the same one. Toy story 2.

Emma had a boyfriend named Ashton that she met at training. They were a match made in heaven, but not to be. When they were the right age to go into combat, they were sent to a hostile town in Egypt, where the terrorists have killed two families. Took them out onto the street and shot them in their backs.

They were trying to start a war and the Falcon along with the Mountain lion troops were sent to stop them from starting World War 3. They succeeded, but in vain.

The town was evacuated, and all but the terrorists left. Mountain lion sent them a warning signal, to come out unarmed and surrender. Obviously that didn't work.

The enemy came out running and screaming, machine guns firing aimlessly. Everyone ducked. Then came the grenades. They were nuclear and caused radioactivity.

Many of the Mountain lion troops died. The survivors retreated back to the safe haven. The Falcons were sent next in tanks. The tanks took out most of the terrorists.

The terrorists were smart. Their snipers waited until the troops got out of the tanks and they started shooting again.

One bullet grazed Mackenzie's cheek, leaving the scar that is still visible today.

Leaderless, everyone trusted their instincts and scattered, taking cover behind the tanks.

Emma was with Ashton. They were giving out orders to find the snipers and attack. Ashton stepped in range for just a second and he was shot. In front of Emma.

Mackenzie came running to the scene with her cheek bloodstained, seeing her best friend cling to her dead lover's chest, sobbing. She was trying to get Emma to leave the fresh corpse, but Emma wouldn't budge. She kept telling Mackenzie to help her carry Ashton to the safe haven, but Mackenzie wouldn't help because he was already dead.

"Emma, if we don't get out of here now we are as good as dead."

"Mackenzie I thought you were my friend!"

"I am! Why can't you see that I'm trying to save you damnit! They're going to drop a heatbomb, stop being so stubborn!"

"I'm not moving!"

"Emma. If you want to live, come. If you want to die, stay. I'm going, and I hope for your sake that you will follow."

That was the last time Emma saw her best friend in fourteen years. Her best friend running for her life, hoping that the poor girl will follow.

"Kenzie?" Emma called, but no answer. She stood up reluctantly, leaving the body.

"Mackenzie?" She called louder, scared out of her mind. She started running in the same direction as her best friend, panicking at the whistling sound of the wind while the bomb fell to the earth.

She ran as fast as she could with adrenaline pumping through her veins. She was just out of bounds of the heat blast when the bomb hit. The sudden impulse from the shockwaves caught her by surprise, flinging her onto her face and leaving her in a coma.

Emma woke up five weeks later in a hospital bed. No Ashton and no Mackenzie sitting by her side. All alone.

That was Emma's story. When she saw Ethan's facebook status, with a picture of him and Mackenzie, revenge was the first thing that entered her mind, and it was the last one that remained.

So that's Emma's story. Sherlock and the other British trio took a plane back to London, and all of us went home. When Brandon and I came home, we promised each other that we wouldn't go on another adventure in a while.

Brandon was clearly exhausted, since he literally just belly-flopped into bed, falling asleep in seconds. I hear him snoring next to me, and it somehow makes me feel complete.

I'm struggling to stay awake, so I'll stop here and call it a day.

'Till tomorrow, dear diary!

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