Chapter 7: after the storm

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Guess what... We went, and I LIVE TO TELL THE TALE!!! Yaaaaaaaaay! This was probably a once in a lifetime experience. AND I DID IT WHILE PREGNANT

Okay I have to write this down before it slips away.

Anyways, we drove to the warehouse in Theo's car, and when we arrived, Sherlock was out of the car before you could say hunkadory.

There were patches of weeds everywhere, and a rusty broken down car.

I looked at the enormous house of metal with reddish orange rust streaking down from the rooftop, like giant tears caused by rain and age.

We all split up into groups of two, Chloe with Marcus, Zoey with Theodore, Sherlock with Molly, John with Mary, and Finally me with Brandon. Mackenzie went alone, and we watched her from a distance.

I watched her like a hawk when she hesitated and stood in front of the big gaping doors, looking like a mouse standing in front of a cat. She went in, and I expected a scream.

Nothing. Suddenly Brandon was making muffled sounds. I turned to look, just to see him struggling in a BIG man's arms.

He had a black suit with a tie, and wore shades so dark you couldn't tell whether he was blind or not.

I tried fighting him, but he just picked me up like a potato sack.

Brandon broke free his mouth just long enough to say something.

"Hey watch it! This woman's pregnant for goodness sake!" He yelled and the man looked at me, then down at my stomach.

He put me down. "My apologies Ma'am. Just doing my job." He said in a genuinely sorry voice, which really made me feel bad for him in some twisted way.

He still dragged me by the arm, though. The man eventually put Brandon down and let me go, but put us in a cage.

I immediately regretted feeling sorry. His job or not, he just stuffed me into a cage!

He put a giant blanket over the giant cage, and carried us somewhere like we were a bunch of giant canaries in a cage or something.

"Nikki, are you okay?" Brandon asked me. I nodded, but in reality I was trying not to vomit from the constant swaying.

"I'm fine." I said with a smile.

"Hey! Quiet, you two!" The big man hissed and rattled the cage a little bit, making me feel even more nauseous.

When he finally put us down after what seemed like hours, he lifted the blanket and I saw the warehouse.

Everything was dark, except for a single harsh light showing a spot on the concrete floor.

Suddenly I saw Mackenzie being thrown into that single patch of light, not bothering to fight back.

"Mackenzie?" I whimpered.

She had a straw bag over her head and was looking down. "Wakey waaakey." I heard a creepy voice.

"Who's there?" Mackenzie said in a croak.

"You don't remember my voice? Oh that's a shame. I thought you would know. After all, you were my best friend."

The figure stepped out of the darkness, revealing a muscular girl with dark tanned skin, green eyes and long brown hair flowing at her sides.

She ripped off the bag, and Mackenzie looked away from the stinging light. She turned her head back and her eyes widened to the size of saucers.


"E-Emma? Is that you?" Mackenzie gawked.

The girl made a small turn and smiled defiantly. "In the flesh." She said a bit loud.

"I have returned in style. Oh! And I see you got yourself a little boyfriend! How sweet!" Emma giggled as another light went on to reveal Ethan strapped to a chair.

Now if you will excuse me, I can barely keep my eyes open and it's 1:39 AM so I'm going to sleep now.

I'll tell the rest of the details in the morning. 'Till tomorrow, dear diary.

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