Chapter 13: shattered

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Quick A/N: okay, guys! From here on now there are going to be huge gaps between entries, because I want to write about different phases in Nikki's life. For example, this chapter is nine years later than the previous entry.

30 April 2043

It's been nine years since the last time I wrote in here. Both the twins are nine. Daniel came out of the accident okay, but Kristen...

I spoke to the doctor, and he said the following. "I'm afraid your daughter is in a coma, Miss Roberts. Her head hit the back of your seat, and she is still not awake."

I took a deep breath. "Can-can I see her?" I asked and he nodded, stepping aside so I could enter the room. I held Daniel's hand.

My heart dropped into my stomach. There were a few cuts on her angelic face, and she had an oxygen maskover her nose and mouth. She looked fast asleep.

Daniel let my hand go and ran over to his twin. "Kristy? Kristy wake up!" he tried shaking her arm, unaware of the state she was in. "Mommy, why won't she wake?" He looked at me with an absent minded face.

"She um... She's... She's lost her way in a different world, so she has to find her way back." I said, because he wouldn't understand the real situation since he's only 9 years old.

"Can we help her?" He asked, and turned his head back to Kristen. "It's worth a try." I replied, stroking his chestnut brown hair. He took his sister's limp hand and squeezed it.

"Hey Kristy, it's Daniel. Can you come back to our world now, please?" He whispered and I smiled at the sight.

"Stay here with your sister, okay? Mommy is just going to the bathroom." I said in my rehearsed mom voice and stood up. "Okay!" Daniel replied cheerily. The scent of disinfectant started making me feel dizzy.

As I walked down the corridor with my feet making squeaky sounds against the cold polished floor, the possability of my daughter not being able to wake up again started to scare me.

I spotted Brandon on the other side of the hall with a cappuchino he was going to share with me. He saw the look on my face and ran towards me, somehow still balancing the cup.

"What's wrong Nikki?" He asked when I reached him. "It's Kristen. The doctor spoke to me and said she's in a coma." I replied, looking him in the eye.

"Shhh... Shh it's okay. Kristen will find her way back. She's very good at finding things, just like my mom." Brandon whispered reassuringly.

I pulled back and smiled at his loving eyes. I could swear that someone sent him down from heaven. He was my angel.

We went back to the twins together, hand in hand. Brandon and I are making turns watching over Kristen, and Daniel comes and goes with whoever's turn it is.

Tonight is my turn, and the constantly even beeping of the heart monitor reassures me that there is still hope for Kristen. I have to stop here, because I'm too tired to write any further. 'Till maybe tomorrow, dear diary!

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