Chapter 14: SHE AWAKES

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Hey hey hey! My exams are over!!! *Audience cheers in the background* I am back like a phoenix with some nice new chapters! Yaaaaaay!!!

15 May 2042

Well... It's been a fortnight and a day since Kristen became unconscious. Daniel got her a gift, a music box that plays "Angel of music" from Phantom of the Opera.

"Maybe it will help her back?" Daniel looked at his sister and winded the music box.

I couldn't completely recall the lyrics, but I love the tune. I held Kristen's hand, when I felt it twitch. It wasn't big, just a slight pull of a finger muscle which made my hopes soar.

"Nurse!" I called and a nurse ran inside. "She-she moved!" I squealed excitedly. "Ma'am, I'm very glad for you, but she's going to need some time to rest." She assured me and ushered us out.

I was so happy, I jumped up and down. "Is Kristen back mommy?" Daniel asked me.

"She is!" I laughed and twisted him around, making him laugh. "Yay! Can we go see her?"

"Not yet sweetie, she still has to wake up."


"What's happening?" I whipped around to face Brandon. "Kristen. She's waking up!" I squealed. Brandon's face lit up like a candle, a smile tugging at his lips.

"That's wonderful!" He yelled as he lifted me and spun around, embracing me in a tight hug. "Did she say anything yet? Can I go see her?" He jumped like a puppy.

"Not yet. She's still waking up." I said just as the door opened. The nurse came out with a smile. "You may go see her now." She said. I walked in slowly, Daniel running in front of me.

My heart burst when I saw her golden-brown eyes look into mine. She gave us a tired and absent minded smile.

"Hey Kristy!" He said, hugging her. "Danny? Mommy? Where am I?" She asked and looked around in wonder. "You're in the hospital, Kristen. We were in an accident, but everything's okay now." Brandon said as he crouched next to the bed and held her hand.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Two weeks, sweetie." I replied while tucking a strand of chestnut brown hair behind her ear.

"Really? It only felt like hours!"

"How are you feeling?"

"I couldn't see anything. I heard everything around me, but it sounded so fast. I heard the-the thingy that plays the music?"

"I played it I played it! I knew it would wake you up!" Daniel jumped, proud of playing his part.

"Yeah, that... I went towards it, I woke up and here I am." She said and shrugged. "I'm just so glad you're back." I said and hugged her.

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