Chapter 15: old friends

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A/N: I am SO sorry for the late update! I had the worst case of writer's block imaginable and school starting didn't help much.

20 May 2034

In celebration of Kristen waking up, we decided to go to the theatre and watch a play. The twins love the theatre. Kristen was amazed when we went to see swan lake.

She was only five at the time, but she was so inspired that she wanted to start with ballet. So I put her up for lessons and prayed that her ballet career won't fail like Brianna and I.

Maybe Kristen is meant to let mom's dream live on. Luckily I was wise enough to choose a different teacher than the one mom sent us to. I called my mom's old friend, Marietha Dupree. She let Kristen learn and said she was a natural.

After the first lesson I picked up a girl I haven't seen with a brighter smile in ages. She was so happy and would talk about it non-stop. She's in her third year of ballet now and becoming very good.

Anyway, we watched a musical, called "il état une fois", which is just french for "once upon a time".

I took Kristen's hand, and Daniel was on Brandon's shoulders. We took our seats and listened to the orchestra warming up on their instruments. The lights dimmed, and the curtains parted. "Show time!" Brandon whispered at me with jazz hands, causing me to giggle.

The opening act was Peter Pan, and Kristen loved it. She clapped her hands and I had to stop her from squealing when she saw Peter.

We watched about three stories brought to life in beautiful songs, until the little mermaid eventually came up. A seashell lifted to reveal a mermaid on a chair and a piano in front of her. I could recognise that smile anywhere.

She didn't play the little mermaid song, but she played a beautiful and powerful song.

Brandon leaned over to whisper something in my ear, and I leaned in as well. "Isn't that-" he asked and I nodded before he could finish, understanding him. "It is. It's Violet!" I said, excited.

In intermission, I ran past the endless rows of chairs, just to see her again. I called her name. "Violet!" And in reply, I heard my own name.

"Nikki! Can you hear me?" I heard her voice from behind the curtain, and I leaned over the edge of the stage. "Yes, I hear you Violet." I replied eagerly. "Good. Just outside the theatre, near the store is the actors room. Meet me outside?" She said quickly. "In a few minutes." I replied.

I followed her instructions and dragged Brandon and the twins along. I saw Violet in her wheelchair, no longer in her mermaid outfit, waiting for me with open arms. "Nikki!" She said as I bent down and hugged her. "Violet! How nice to see you again!" I said with joyful tears in my eyes.

"Hey Vi! Long time no see!" Brandon smiled and hugged her as well. "Wait... Are you two together?" She asked excitedly. "Yep. Married for Nine years now!" I replied proudly, receiving a fangirl scream from her. "I knew it! I've been shipping you two since middle school!" She squealed.

"So who are these two?" She questioned, looking at the confused twins.

"oh yes! Violet, meet my children, Daniel and Kristen. Guys, this is an old friend of mine, her name is Violet." I said, introducing them. "Hi Violet. Nice to meet you." Daniel said politely, holding out his hand.

I felt so proud of his manners. Violet gushed and shook his hand, looking at Kristen expectantly. She said something I didn't expect. "What's wrong with your legs?" She said rather obnoxiously.

"Kristen!" I scolded her. "I am so sorry Vi, I don't know where that came from." I apologised, feeling bad for her. "Oh no it's perfectly fine. My legs do work, dear child, but it's my hips that are the problem."

"If I give you my hips, can you walk again?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Violet remarked with a light laugh.

"Okay." She replied.

"It's so good to see you again Violet! Remember our old band?" Brandon asked, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah! What was it called again?" She asked and at the same time, we answered. "Actually, I'm not really sure yet!" We screamed and burst out laughing.

"You were so fantastic on the stage, Vi."

"Oh, thank you Nikki. We should keep in touch. Also, I'd like you to meet my husband, Wilbur." She pointed at a tall and slender man with smooth jet black hair.

"Wilbur!" She called and he turned around. "Come here for a second!" He came closer. "This is Nikki, one of my old friends, and Brandon." She introduced us.

"Pleasure to meet you. The name's Wilbur." He shook our hands with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you too." I greeted him back.

No sooner did he and Brandon shake hands, when the theatre entrance lights started flashing, indicating that the intermission would be over soon.

"We should probably get going. I truly hope to see you again!" I said and hugged her, before noticing the disappearance of my twins. "Oh... Not again." I muttered and looked around.

Of course, they were nowhere. "Brandon? Um... Where are the twins?" I asked, getting his attention. "What? I thought they were with you!" He looked at me, panicked. "Okay. You look for Daniel, I'll look for Kristen. Meet me back here when you find him." I said and started walking (actually running) off.

I checked the bathroom, the elevator, and the main hall, but still no sign of her. I shut my eyes, clasped my hands together and prayed with all my might. "God... Please help me find Kristen." I whispered and opened my eyes.

It's not like I was expecting a miracle or anything, but maybe just a slight clue, and I got nothing...

Suddenly I heard a tiny voice that I could only recognise as Kristen's. "Can I have one of those chocolate caramel cupcakes please?" I immediately followed her voice. I ended up at a cupcake stand, but I still couldn't see her.

"Sixteen dollars? Oh... I don't have enough money. It's okay. I'll just get some from the fountain." I turned my head to see her long chestnut brown hair flowing down her tiny back. I swear I'm listening to a second Brianna...

I wasn't even mad when I came up to her. "Kristy! Why did you go away?" I asked, hugging her and then gripping her shoulders. "I'm sorry, mommy. I only wanted to buy a cupcake to share with Danny." She replied, her shoulders dropped with guilt.

"That's very thoughtful of you, sweetie, but next time ask me or your father to come with you. Okay? I was so scared that you got lost." I said and took her hand. "Sorry mommy." She apologised. "It's okay. Let's get back to daddy and Danny." I said and we walked back to find them waiting for us.

"Come on! We're late." Brandon rushed us. We ran into the theatre and into our seats, just as the lights dimmed and the second act started.

--end of chapter--

Man. I feel like Moffat. I am so sorry for making you guys wait that long...

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