Chapter 2: This is Berk (Part 2)

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The sound of a horn blasts through the night, alerting the villagers of unwanted guests. Somewhere on the island of Berk, a young boy abruptly sits up, startled awake by the horn. Glancing out the window, he realises that Berk is under attack once more by their pests. Green eyes widen as his neighbours house goes up in flames, and a large reptilian figure is illuminated. A dragon.

Ripping the sheets off, he hurries to his feet, tugging on his boots as he heard his mother stomp around downstairs. Grabbing his vest, he rushes downstairs.
The front door slams shut, with no sign of the vikings mother in sight.
"Already left. Right. Of course." The black-haired teenager grumbled, pulling on his hooded vest over his purple long-sleeved shirt.
Approaching the door, he opens it a crack, surveying the scene before him. Everything was chaos, dragons and vikings alike battling against each other.

"This is Berk. The perfect place for every viking. Except for me of course"

A dragon flies overhead, shooting a stream of fire down at the vikings houses. The teenager rushes out, forgetting all thoughts of grabbing a weapon. Stumbling down the front porch, he dodged vikings running around, defending their homes.

"My name is Aster. I'm 14, one of the youngest teenagers in the village. Not exactly the greatest if you're trying to make friends. But then again, who needs em, am I right?"

Aster trips over something in the darkness. Growling, he realises it was nothing but an axe. Probably a clumsy viking. Oh joy.

"Here on Berk, we have fishing, hunting, and a pretty nice view of the sunsets. Of course, the dragons don't make it easy for any of us."

Weaving between buildings and fighting vikings, Aster runs into a burly viking, with red hair and beard. The viking turns around, looking down at the teenager.
"Chief Stoick! Sorry bout that! I'll just be on my way-" As Aster tried to scramble off, Stoick grabbed the scruff of his shirt. "Aster! I need you to guard Mildew's sheep! Go! Now!" The Chief ordered, sending the teenager on his way.
Aster let out a "Yes sir!" Before heading towards Mildews home outside of the village. "Oh joy. This should be fun." He mumbled, rushing to do as his chief had ordered.

As he ran, the chaos and battle started to fade into the distance. Aster pulled the cowl of his hood over his head, never noticing another figure running from the opposite direction. The two collided, sending both sprawling to the ground. Sitting up, Aster rubbed his head, taking a good look at the other viking.
"Sorry! I'm sorry, my bad!"
It was Hiccup, son of Stoick the Vast, chief of Berk. What was he doing out here? One look at the weird contraption he was pushing along told Aster he was up to no good. Green eyes narrowing, Aster scrambled to his feet, leaving the smaller, scrawnier teen alone.
He wasn't too far from Mildew's now. Tripping into the cabbage field, Mildew was on the porch. He scowled at the young teen. "Stoick didn't even bother giving me a proper viking to guard my field." He grumbled, walking inside with his staff. Aster's fists clenched, but he didn't say anything.
Hearing a shriek from above, he glanced up. Something was falling through the sky at high speed, heading towards Raven Point. Was that a dragon?

Before he could dwindle on it, he heard a loud growl sound from behind him, before something went up in flames. Swinging around, he realised he was face to face with a Monstrous Nightmare, one of the most dangerous dragons.
Stumbling back, he started running. He could hear the beast close behind, felt it's hot breath on his back as it tried snapping at him.


Aster looked up. Hiccup was in the distance, cheering in victory? Another snap behind him brought his attention back to the danger. He had to warn the little twerp before he got eaten.
Hiccup twisted around, only now noticing his presence. "Aster?"
Aster ran pass him, Hiccup soon followed him. The Monstrous Nightmare stepped on something as they ran away, but it still chased them.
Reaching the village, Aster felt someone grabbing his arm, yanking him back. He realised it was Hiccup, pulling him beside him as flames surrounded the torch pole, barely protecting them. Aster yelped, holding his arm above his head for protection. When the stream of fire stopped, both boys peeked out from behind the pole, searching for the Nightmare. Aster couldn't see the dragon anywhere.
All of a sudden, Stoick ran past them, punching something away from the two on the other side. Aster whipped his head around, now realising the Nightmare had been sneaking around the other side of the pole.
Aster watched as Stoick defeated the Nightmare, the beast eventually retreating. At that moment, Stoick turned to the flaming pole, which had collapsed, revealing the two teens as the torch rolled away, destroying the village.

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