Chapter 6: Dragon Training

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"Welcome to Dragon Training!" Gobber yelled, opening the doors to the arena. Astrid inhaled. "No turning back." She muttered.

The teens Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, as well as Astrid walked into the arena, looking around at their new surroundings.
"I hope I get some serious burns!" Tuff yelled, waving his spear around.
"I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back." Ruff included. Astrid nodded at their words. "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it."
"Yeah, no kidding right?" The teens turned to see a sarcastic Hiccup lagging behind the group. "Pain. Love it."
Tuff groaned. "Oh, great. Who let him in?" He grumbled.
"Who let you in?" Another voice interrupted irritably. Tuff went silent, and Hiccup turned around. Aster walked out of the shadows, his long hair covering part of his face as he carried his own spear in. Hiccup stared at him as he walked by him, shoving through the group toward Gobber. He's taking Dragon Training classes? Who changed his mind?
Let's get started!" Gobber started, turning to the teens. "The recruit who does best will win the honour of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." He informed. Snotlout scoffed, gesturing to Hiccup. "Hiccup already killed a Nightfury, so, does that disqualify him or...?"
Fishlegs, Ruff and Tuff burst out laughing. Astrid was silent as they all turned away from their teacher and the runt. Aster glanced over his shoulder at the teen, almost in pity.
Gobber placed an arm over Hiccups shoulder, guiding him toward the lined up teens. "Don't worry. You're small and you're weak. That'll make you less of a target! They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more viking-like teens instead." Hiccup gave him a "really?" look, not at all comforted by his teachers words. Gobber pushed him between Fishlegs and Aster as he made his way to the front. "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight!" He gestured to one of the many doors, beginning to name all of the dragons behind each. "The Deadly Nadder!"
"Speed: eight, Armor: sixteen." Fishlegs muttered. Aster and Hiccup gave him a weird look as he jumped up and down in excitement. Gobber continued.
"The Hideous Zippleback!"
"Plus eleven stealth times two."
"The Monstrous Nightmare!"
"Firepower: fifteen."
"The Terrible Terror!"
"Attack: eight; venom: twelve!"
"CAN YOU STOP THAT!?" Gobber yelled at Fishlegs. Rolling his eyes, he placed his hand on the lever. "And...the Gronckle!"
Fishlegs leaned toward Hiccup. "Jaw strength: eight."
Snotlout realised what Gobber was about to do, and started panicking. "Whoa, whoa, wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first?!" He shrieked. Gobber smiled knowingly. "I believe in learning on the job." He replied simply, releasing the Gronckle from its cage. The beast burst through the doors, charging the teens as they scattered. Running into a wall, it scooped up a bunch of rocks, preparing its fire-blast.
"Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead! Quick! What's the first thing you're gonna need?" Gobber asked the scattered teens. Aster scrambled to his feet, noticing a bunch of shields in the middle of the arena. Oh I don't know, a cake?
"A doctor?!" Hiccup asked, panic lacing his voice. "Plus five speed?!" Fishlegs included. Right. Some people don't think clearly when panicked. Finally, Astrid spoke up. "A shield!" She yelled, diving for a shield as the Gronckle charged in her direction.
"Shields! Go! Your most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you must make a choice between a sword and a shield, take the shield!" He instructed, helping Hiccup pick up his shield and shoving him back into the lesson.
Aster glanced around, noticing a wooden plank leaning against the wall. He rushed over as he listened to the rest of the lesson.
Tuff and Ruff began fighting over one shield. Ruff eventually ripped it out of Tuff's slams it upon her brothers head. As they fought, neither realised the Gronckle firing at them. It hit the shield, sending both twins rolling.
"Tuffnut, Ruffnut, you're out!" Gobber yelled, earning a very confused and dazed "what?" from the twins. "Those shields are good for another thing: noise! Make lots of it to show off a dragons aim!"
The remaining teens started to hit their shields with their weapons. The Gronckle shook it's head in confusion.
"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does the Gronckle have?" Gobber asked once again.
Hiccup noticed the plank for the first time, rushing over while the Gronckle was distracted. When he reached the plank, he yelped in surprise as Aster rushed out, about to stab him with his spear. Aster stopped mid swing when he realised the creature he was about the hit was Hiccup. He growled. "Get out of my way!" He hissed, pushing Hiccup to the ground as ball of fire was sent their way.
"Three shots left! Aster! Hiccup! Focus!" Gobber shouted as the two boys scuttled to their feet, holding their shields close. Aster ran left, while Hiccup ran right, standing beside Astrid and Snotlout. Snotlout decided it was the time to try and gain Astrid's "love". "So, anyway I'm moving into my parents' basement. You should come by sometime to work out. You look like you work out!"
The Grockle blasted Snotlouts shield out of his hand. "Snotlout! You're done!"
Hiccup looked over to Astrid. "So, uh, I guess it's just us three then?" He said, while Aster rolled his eyes. Astrid shook her head. "Nope, just you." She stated, running away and leaving Hiccup alone with the Gronckle. It fired at the two, but missed. Hiccup chased the shield that had fallen out of his hand, the dragon hot on his heels.
"One shot left! Hiccup!"
Hiccup backs up against the wall as the Gronckle cornered him, taking its aim. Hiccup covered his head, thinking this truly was the end. Something barges into the Gronckle, making it miss the small teen, who cowered at the blast that barely missed him. Opening his eyes, he stared up at the long haired boy that had charged the Gronckle. Gobber tugs the beast back to the cage, locking it away. "And that's six! Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage! You'll get another chance, don't you worry!" He exhaled. "Great job Aster. Remember: a dragon will always—" He turned to Hiccup, speaking to him directly. "Always—go for the kill."
Gobber walked away, all the teens following. Hiccup looked back to the fire still splattered on the wall, his mind going back to the Nightfury the day before.
Hiccup's eyes were drawn to the taller black-haired boy walking away, carrying his spear in his right hand. Stumbling to his feet, he hurried over to the younger teen. "Hey Aster! Uh, thanks for saving me-"
Aster turned to him, a scowl on his features. "This. Never. Happened. Keep away from me before something bad happens." He growled, turning away from the gangly teen. Hiccup was silent. Looking down at his feet. Of course....

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