Chapter 4: Finding the Beast

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Hiccup looked up from his map. He was trekking through the woods, looking for the Nightfury. His hope quickly disappeared when he realised his Nightfury wasn't there. Placing another cross on the map, he began scribbling angrily on the paper before snapping his book shut, putting it away in his vest.
"Oh, the gods hate me." He groaned, continuing his search. "Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I manage to lose an ENTIRE DRAGON?!"
Whacking a branch out of his way, he yelped when it flung back at him, striking him in the eye. He hissed, looking up at the tree, when he realised there was something odd about its position. It was bent like something had crashed into it. Letting his gaze fall back to the ground, he realised there was a small trench-like path leading over the small hill. Hiccup decided to follow it.
He passed broken debris as he walked. As he continued, he looked over a large log in the way. He gasped as he saw something large and out of place, and quickly ducked down in fright.
Was this it?
Peeking back over the log, he realised it was a dragon, lying still as if dead. Reaching into his vest, he pulled out his knife, clutching it tightly in his hands as he slowly approached the beast.
The teen slowly and cautiously made his way toward the creature, hiding behind a boulder. Creeping around, he realised it was the Nightfury he shot down the previous night, still trapped in the bolas.
" Oh, wow. I did it. Oh, I did it! This fixes everything!" He cried. Walking out from behind the boulder, he stared in awe at the beast before him. He placed his foot on the dragon in victory. "Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast!"
He was cut off as the dragon underneath him shifted, shoving him off him and growling indignantly.

Hiccup backed away in fright, hitting the large boulder behind him in his panic. It was still alive. Stepping closer once again, he held the knife protectively in front of him, afraid that the dragon would break free from its bonds and attack him. Holding the knife up, he prepared himself, taking in a deep breath for what he must do. "I'm going to kill you, dragon." He said aloud. "I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a viking..." He mumbled the last part. Trying to boost his confidence, he shouted once more. "I'm a VIKING!"
The dragon looks up at him in terror, unable to defend itself as Hiccup raises the knife above his head. Before bringing the knife down, Hiccup takes one last look at the Nightfury. It's large, green eyes were wide with fear, almost begging him not to do it. Shaking his head, Hiccup brought the knife back up. In defeat, the dragon lay back down, accepting its fate.
That's when Hiccup let the knife rest on his head. He couldn't kill this creature. It didn't deserve this.
"I did this."
The teen was about to walk away, leaving the dragon. Looking back again, he knew what he had to do.
The dragon's eyes widened when it heard the ropes holding it prisoner being cut. It watched the teen carefully, making sure that what it was seeing was real.
Hiccup finished cutting the ropes holding the Nightfury, when he felt a strong force push him against the boulder. The teen gasped in fright, attempting to crawl away from the beast's clutches, but to no avail. He could only stare helplessly into the dragon's eyes.
This is it. I'm gonna die.
The Nightfury inhaled, and Hiccup closed his eyes. A loud shrieking sound was all Hiccup could hear as the dragon roared ferociously into his face. It then flew away, crashing into trees as it disappeared into the forest.
Hiccup tried catching his breath from his near death experience. Picking up his knife, he fainted on his walk back to the village. 

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