Chapter 10: The Deadly Nadder

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"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Nightfuries. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Nightfury Pamphlet?"

Hiccup yelped as fire hit the wall beside him. The Deadly Nadder roared, and began chasing the young viking.
"Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying!" Gobber scolded the gangly teen. Unlike yesterday, he was leaning on the bars outside the arena, safe from the dragon running around. "Today is all about ATTACK! Nadders are quick and light on their feet! Your job is to be quicker and lighter!"
Aster shielded himself and yelped as the Nadder fired at him. As he ran, he glared up at his mentor. "I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" He yelled, finally losing the Nadder as it found the twins.
"Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike!" Gobber tutored, as Hiccup stopped to talk to him.
Ruff hid behind Tuff as they moved with the Nadder's blind spot. "Ugh! Do you ever bathe?!" She gagged. "If you don't like it get your own blind spot!" He growled, turning to face her.
"How about I give you one?!"
Before they could start to fight, the Nadder attacked them, sending them screaming.
"Blind spot, yes. Deaf spot? Not so much." Gobber chuckled. Hiccup, oblivious to the Nadder sneaking around, tried once again to talk to his mentor. "Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Nightfury?" He asked, trying to be casual about it. Gobber groaned. "No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. NOW, GET IN THERE!" He screeched. Hiccup backed up. "I know, I know, but hypothetically-"
"Hiccup! Get down!" Someone hissed from behind him. Hiccup realised it was Astrid, crouching with Snotlout and Aster. Obeying, he crouched down behind Aster.
Astrid rolled across the corner the Nadder was in, out of its view. Snotlout followed closely behind. Aster took in a deep breath. Ok, you can do this.
Leaping forward, he attempted to roll across. He let out a curse as he stopped right in front of the dragon. The Nadder spotted him, and Aster let out another yelp as the beast began to chase him. Hiccup stayed crouched in the corner, out of view. Aster turned the corner, running into Astrid and Snotlout. Astrid was about to throw her axe, when Snotlout stepped in front of her. "Watch out, babe. I'll take care of this." He boasts, chucking his hammer at the Nadder. It missed, and the dragon seemed to laugh at his attempt to impress.

Astrid glared at Snotlout as she ran away. "The sun was in my eyes, Astrid!" Snotlout yelled after her. "What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I could do that, but I don't have the time right now!"
The Nadder charged after Astrid. Astrid began leaping from wall to wall, the Nadder close behind, causing the walls to topple over.
Hiccup was, once again, talking to Gobber. "They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?"
"Hiccup!" Aster yelled at the teen, trying to drag him away. Astrid screams out as she jumps off the last wall, landing right on top of the gangly teen. Aster scuttled away, hiding behind the wall with the twins. Looking out, he watched as Astrid tried prying her axe off of Hiccup's shield, the Nadder barging down upon them.
"Ooh! Love on the battle field!" Tuff teased. "She could do better." Ruff interjected. Astrid pulled on the axe harder.
"Don't bother helping...don't bother helping...every viking for himself..." Aster muttered to himself. Yet, there was a nagging voice in the back of his head as the Nadder ascended on the teens. He let out a groan, rushing out from behind the wall.
Hiccup glanced up at the last second, closing his eyes in fear. He heard a gasp from the other teens. After a few seconds of nothing, he opened his eyes once again. He too gasped when he realised Aster was towering over them, holding his spear up above him. The Nadders mouth was wide open uncomfortably as he used the spear to keep it that way.
Groaning, he turned to the teens underneath him. "DO SOMETHING!" He shrieked. Astrid finally ripped the shield off of Hiccup's arm, and used it to whack the dragon across the snout. It backed away, whimpering in pain as it ran off. Aster let out a sigh.
"Well done Aster, well done Astrid." Gobber congratulated. Taking a glance at the broken shield still connected to her axe, she turned angrily upon the cowering Hiccup. "Is this some kind of joke to you!?" She yelled at him. Aster turned away. No point in interfering anymore. "Our parents' war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on." She growled, walking away from the gangly teen.
Aster watched her walk off. "You're welcome." He called out after her sarcastically. Hiccup stood up, brushing himself off as he faced the younger teen. "Uh, thanks again, Aster-"
Aster spun around, grabbing his shirt and holding him in the air. Hiccup yelped. "Can't you stay out of trouble for 5 minutes!? Why do you bother coming here if all you're gonna do is get yourself killed!?" He sighed, dropping the silent teen. "Ugh, just...leave me alone...." He mumbled, leaving the ruined arena. Hiccup watched him leave, a heavy weight on his chest.
I really am nothing but a burden, aren't I?

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