Chapter 8: Capsize

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Aster pulled the boat into tides reach, on the small beach. It had supplies and weapons inside, giving at least a few weeks to live if he fasted. With a satisfying nod, he pushed it into the ocean waves. This is it. This is the day. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he took the oar, jumping into the boat. Using it to push himself further out to sea, he grinned. "Goodbye, Berk! I'm not gonna miss you!" He yelled, pushing himself further out.
Everything was going fine, until he reached a certain point. Waves knocked the boat about, and Aster held on tightly, trying to keep his balance. Letting out a grunt, he pushed on, rowing toward the higher waves.
A wave towered over him, and he braced himself as it crashed down on him.
Falling out of the boat, he struggled for breath as salt water started to fill his lungs. Kicking his legs frantically, he broke to the surface, taking in a deep breath as another wave crashed down on him. As he struggled to reach the surface again, a million thoughts ran through his head. Just when everything around him went dark, he felt someone grab his vest, pulling him out of the ocean and toward the surface.
Reaching the surface once again, he coughed up the salt water, as the person dragged him to the shore.
He felt the sand underneath his feet as the two plodded onto the beach. Aster collapsed, taking in the sweet air around him. Rolling onto his back, he stared up at his rescuer. Astrid towered over him, an angry expression on her face as she also gasped for breath.
The boy inwardly groaned, as there was an awkward silence. Finally, the blonde spoke. "What the hell were you doing out there!? You could've drowned! Was that what you wanted?!"
It's none of your damn business, Astrid.
Aster was silent. Why should he tell her his plans? She'd probably try to stop him, if she didn't try to tell anyone first. He took in a deep breath. "I was fishing..." he mumbled. Astrid crossed her arms, obviously not believing his lies. But she didn't say anything more. With an annoyed sigh, she turned away. "Just don't do it again. Next time I probably won't be here."
As she walked off, Aster picked up a handful of sand and threw it in a rage. "Why did EVERYTHING have to go wrong?! I just want to get off this damn island without anyone knowing! I just want to be left alone!"
Standing up, he kicked a pebble under his foot, before heading to the Great Hall. 

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