Chapter 7: So, Why Didn't You?

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"A dragon will always—always—go for the kill."

Gobber's words rung through Hiccups mind as he picked up the cut rope and bola from the day previously. "So, why didn't you?" He mumbled questioningly. Standing up, he trekked through the woods, reaching a cove. Surveying the emptiness, he sighed. "Well this was stupid."
His eye catches something black lying on the ground. Crouching down, he picked it up. It was a dragon scale.
Something large and black swoops past him, clawing at the rocks above him. Hiccup fell back, startled. A moment later, the Nightfury falls back to the ground, gliding back into the cove.
Awestruck, Hiccup climbs down some rocks, trying to get a better view. As he watched the dragon, he pulled out his book, trying to make a sketch of the fascinating beast. Looking down at the sketch, he glanced back to the dragon. "Why don't you away?" He wondered. As he continued sketching, he noticed the Nightfury was missing one of its tail fins. Erasing the fin from his sketch, he looked up just in time to see the dragon crash back into the ground. It sighed in defeat. Noticing a splash in the water, it crept forward, attempting to catch the fish in the lake. The fish escaped, leaving the dragon to starve.
At that moment, Hiccup dropped his pencil. Clutching the air frantically, he winced as it clattered onto the rocks below, drawing the Nightfury's attention. It stared up at him, recognising him. Yet it didn't growl. It seemed almost... curious.

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