Chapter 7:Mousekedoer Scenario (Part 3:The Final Part)

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Bianca and the other managed to get to the other side of the giga field. Now the glowing path started up. Wait, someone's over there. Oh, it was Pixelated Pete. He wanted to help get to the mousekacore and save Mickey. Pete game Bianca and the others to the mousekacore. They took the boat and they now arrived at the mousekecore. But someone was there. 

Donald:Wait, is that who I think it is?

Goofy:I think it is. What do you think, Bianca?

Bianca:Wait hold on. Oh yeah! Guys, it's Mickey! Mickey! Over here!

Mickey:Wait, that sounds like Bianca. 


Mickey:Bianca! Your here. Donald, Goofy!

Donald:Yeah, it IS Mickey!

Goofy:It actually is. 

Bianca:Hang on, we're coming!

Mickey:I knew you would come save me pals.

Bianca, Donald, Goofy and Pixelated Pete rode their boat towards Mickey.

Mickey:Bianca! Thank goodness you came. I'm trying to figure out how to make the liquid light flowing.

Bianca:So that's why you haven't been back to the clubhouse yet. 

Goofy:Gorsh. That all explains it.

Donald:We're here for the same mission.

Bianca:Ok guys, we found Mickey. Now we just need to fix the mousekecore. Oh wait. Uh oh, the third light stopped glowing. We need to act quick!

Mickey:Oh, goodie. That's what I'm trying to do. But I can't seems to find out how.

Bianca:Wait, this pipe and hold up, I think there's something stuck in there.

Mickey:Oh yeah. How did I miss that? Haha!

Donald:How do we get it out of the pipes?

Goofy:What do we do Bianca?

Bianca:There has to be a mouseketool that can get something out of the pipes. 

Mickey:You got mouseketools? And you used the mousekedoer? That's great!

Bianca:Ok, everybody say, oh Toodles!

All:Oh Toodles!

Toodles:Don't fret my friends. I'm right here.

Mickey:Gee, your mouseketools look different.

Bianca:Yeah, we got a fishing pole with the football helmet or the mystery mouseketool.

Donald:Ok, what do we use Bianca?

Goofy:Yeah, how can we get something out of the pipes.

Bianca:Hold up, it's the fishing pole! We can get something out of the pipes like we're going fishing!

Mickey:Yeah, that's the one!

Bianca;We got ears, say cheers!

Bianca uses the fishing pole and managed to get something out of the pipes of the mousekecore. Inside the pipes was Pixelated Pete's teddy bear. It was stuck on the pipes. And now the liquid light is flowing. 

Digi-Daisy:🎶Your doing wonderfully, it's true. But there's still one more thing to do. Though the liquid light is flowing once more, you still must start up the mousekecore🎶

Mickey:Guys, it's Digi-Daisy.

Bianca;Well, how do we start up the mousecore?

Digi-Daisy:🎶Got to the mousekecore in which. You'll start is up but flipping a switch.🎶

Bianca:Ok, now we need to flip switches. Come on guys!

Everyone had to pull every single switch. All but one. The last switch to far for the heroes to reach. 

Bianca;Guys! The last light's about to go off. 

Mickey:We need a mouseketool and fast! 

Goofy:Fingers crossed we got time. 

Bianca:Everybody say, oh toodles!

All:Oh Toodles!

Toodles:I'm over here.

Bianca;Ok, only the mystery mouseketool is left. Quick! Everybody say Mystery mouseketool.

All:Mystery mouseketool!

Bianca;Wait, it'a a jack in the box! Oh wait, we can use it to reach the switch! We picked all our mouseketools, say super cheers!

Once the jack in the box opened, it flipped the switch and now the mousekecore is good as new. Just in the nick of time too.

Digi-Daisy:🎶Hooray, hooray again hooray. You heroes helped to save the day. you figured out just what to do. The mousekecore is good as new🎶



Donald:We did it! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Mickey:Nice work, Bianca!

Bianca:We did it guys! Now the mousekedoer is fixed!

The mousekecore is now fixed and the mousekedoer is also fixed. The heroes came back to the clubhouse. 

Mickey:I always knew I can count on you guys. Especially you, Bianca.

Professor Von Drake:A job well done my dear.

Bianca:I'm so happy I can help, Mickey. 

Mickey:Now for a celebration. Time to do the mousekedance.

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