Chapter 10:Kansas City Rangers Bianca and Mickey (Part 3)

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The Kansas city rangers are on their way to the rushing river and they are catching up to Pete. 

Pete was running away with the crystal Mickey. The truck transformed into a speed boat. But Pete passed a giant fish which blocks the path of the river.

Bianca:Oh goodness gracious. That fish is in the way. But we can't give up now.

Mickey:Wanna check for a mouseketool?

Bianca:Yes! That's what we need! Ok, Everybody say "oh toodles!"

Mickey and Bianca:Oh Toodles!

Toodles:I'm over here haha!

Bianca:Lemme check. A crane, Plungers and the mystery mouseketook. Oh hold up, that crane. That crane can lift that big fish out the way. We got ears say cheers.

Bianca lifts the fish using the crane and now the crane moved the fish out of the water. It was a fish statue by the way. Now they are back on the road. But can they get the crystal mickey on time? The Kansas City Rangers need to acy fast. Or else all of the Clubhouse will disappear. Now they are on their way to a temple.

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