Chapter 9:Kansas City Rangers Mickey and Bianca (Part 2)

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Now Mickey and his friends are on their way to claim back the crystal Mickey. Mickey arrives with quite an outfit. Wait, Bianca will be Mickey's partner?

Mickey:Bianca, put this on.

Bianca:This is quite an adventure outfit.

Mickey:Haha. Yup. Kansas City Mickey's gonna need a partner. We are now Kansas City Rangers.

Chorus:🎵Kansas City Rangers, Kansas City Rangers🎵.

Mickey:Your Kansas City Ranger Bianca!

Bianca:I get to be a Kansas City Ranger? Hot dog! It would be an honor, Kansas City Ranger Mickey. 

Bianca and Mickey are now Kansas City Rangers. They take Kansas City Mickey's truck and not they're on their way to get the crystal mickey.

Professor Von Drake:The Kansas City Rangers. We'll be here and keep an eye on the clubhouse while your gone.

Bianca:Got it! We'll work as fast as we can, professor.

Bianca and Mickey:Kansas City Rangers away!

The Kansas City Rangers are on their way to get the crystal Mickey. First, they come across a dessert. 

Mickey:Okay, Kansas City Ranger Bianca, where are we right now?

Bianca:We just arrived at the dessert.

Suddenly Pete pulls the lever and the Kansas Rangers acess a sand castle. Pete closes the castle door. And now the rangers are trapped. The came across a wall of dirt.

Mickey:Oh no!

Bianca:Aww you gotta be kidding me! 

Mickey:Don't forget, Kansas City Rangers face danger together. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Bianca:Right, Kansas City Ranger Mickey. Now, I wanna check if there's mouseketool that will help.

Mickey:Good idea. You know what to do.

Bianca:Ok, everybody say "oh toodles!"

Mickey and Bianca:Oh toodles!

Toodles:Did someone call me? Haha.

Bianca:Ok, lemme check, we have the crane, the trashcan, plungers and the mystery mousektool.

Mickey:What do we use to dig the wall of dirt away?

Bianca:We could use the crane. But we need something that can actually dig. Oh wait, the trash can! That will work. We can use it to scoop up the wall of dirt!

Mickey:Yeah, that's the one! We got ears say cheers!

The handy helper from the truck used the trash can scooped up the dirt. The Kansas rangers dugged their way out of the giant sand castle. They are halfway there . Now the just need go to a river. But time flies fast as more of the clubhouse start to disappear. Can the Kansas City Rangers make it with the crystal Mickey on time? Or will it be to late and the clubhouse will be gone forever?

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