Tom Petty

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I Guess I Could Stick Around

Era: circa 1971 (Mudcrutch era)

Summary: Tom and (y/n) dated in high school, but they broke up when she moved away for college because neither wanted a long-distance relationship. Now, four years later she's back. (I'm sorry, I suck at these summaries, but I had to include some backstory for this one)

Warnings: None

Note: The whole storyline is completely fictional, none of this ever happened, but you guys should already know that. I'm also not sure if the timeline is entirely accurate since I got most of the info off Wikipedia, but I did my best. If you see any mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me.

Five men walked down a moonlit street, joking around and laughing.

"So where should we go tonight?" One of them asked.

"How 'bout Martha's?" Another replied all too quickly.

"You just want to flirt with the new singer, eh Mike?"

"Shut up Benmont." Mike grumbled.

"You know she made it pretty clear she wasn't interested." Benmont continued.

"What new singer?" Another man asked.

"You see, that's what happens when you're late to practice Tom. You miss important announcements." the fourth one joked.

"Will you knock it off Randall?" Tom replied, "I came 10 minutes late. It's not the end of the world."

Randall just laughed.

"So, Martha's?" The fifth one asked.

The others agreed and headed towards the bar.

Time skip

(Tom P.O.V.)

All five of them walked into Martha's Bar, a small but homey place where there was live music and alcohol all night. As they went in, he noticed a (y/h/c) haired woman strumming her guitar and singing. Another woman, a blonde one, sat by the drums behind her.

The five of them took a small table near the bar, ordered drinks and watched the two performers. Tom gazed at the singer, who was supposedly Mike's latest flame. She looked eerily similar to a distant memory that he had locked away years ago. A memory that still hurt to think about. Then it hit him.


That soft (y/h/c) hair, those mischievous dark eyes he had last seen four long years ago, and that voice. That sweet and gentle voice that carried so much emotion, yet could still belt out Joplin's Greatest Hits at any given time. How could he have forgotten that?

(Y/n) hadn't changed much. Her hair had grown a bit longer, and her skin was paler after so long in cold, grey England, but she still looked just as beautiful as she did that summer afternoon when they had said their final goodbyes. How had he not known that she was back? Wouldn't she have called him? Yes, they had lost contact over the years, mainly due to expensive phone calls and not being able to afford plane tickets, but surely she would have called him if she was coming home, wouldn't she? Maybe she had moved on, even if he hadn't.

But now Mike was after her. A knot of jealousy twisted in his stomach as he saw his friend ogling (y/n).

"So, is that the singer you were talking about." Tom asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah." Mike replied, still not taking his eyes off (y/n).

"Do you even know anything about her?" Randall asked.

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