Brian May II

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Request: Ohhh alright then :) so maybe a Brian May imagine? And it's basically a imagine about Y/n finding out her real parents and Finding out Brian likes them? Could be interesting I think :)

Warning(s): none!

Today, my parents had summoned me all the way to Birmingham to sort through boxes of old stuff I had left there when I moved to London.

"You did not wear this." Brian said, holding up an embarrassingly frilly blue dress.

"Oh. My. God." I gasped, "That still exists?"

"You're telling me that you actually wore this? It looks like cotton candy."

"Every single day. I used to love this thing." I laughed, "As you can see, my fashion sense has gotten better since I was 8."

Brian smiled his adorable little smile and set the dress aside. I turned back to the box I was inspecting. Definitely one of the more boring ones, it was filled with old papers, drawings and a dusty folder bound in leather. That intrigued me more than my rather unprofessional drawings of Kermit and Elmo. I carefully opened it, inside were official looking documents, yellowed with age but still perfectly intact. One in particular caught my eye.


I always wondered at exactly what time I was born. With a small smile I studied the paper, the print still dark against the white background. Before I could find the 'time of birth' category, something else distracted me.

MOTHERS NAME: Alicia Ferry

Alicia Ferry? That can't be right. Susanna White was my mom's name. Then I looked at the supposed name of my father, Victor Ferry. My dad's name was Jackson White. There must've been a printing mishap, or the certificates got swapped accidentally. But my name fit.

"Everything alright there, love?" Brian asked, seeing my expression as I read those words over and over again.

I could feel my lungs closing up and my vision tunneled. This couldn't be true. No. No no no no no. I started flipping through the other papers in the folder. Finally I found it. The thing that was both the answer to my questions, and the confirmation that my whole life had been a lie.


Adopted. The two people who have raised me weren't my parents. The woman who had fed me, bathed me, and eventually taught me to walk in heels wasn't my mother. The man who read me bedtime stories, taught me to play the piano and scolded me for my short skirts wasn't my father. These...These... strangers were my parents. Could I call them strangers? They knew me almost better than I knew myself and it felt wrong to dismiss them as strangers, even though that was essentially what they were.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Geez, Brian, you scared me."

"(y/n)? Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale."

"I...umm..." I couldn't find the words to explain exactly what was going around in my head, so I handed him the documents, "Here."

His concerned gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before turning to the papers.

"Adopted?" he asked incredulously.

I nodded.

"When did you find out?"

"About two minutes before you did." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair,

"Are you alright love?"

"How could they have hidden this from me?"

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