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Topper's house was packed.

Throughout it, people stood shoulder to shoulder. A hazy smoke from cigs and weed hung potent in the air. Cans of discarded beer and red cups were found in spots where they weren't supposed to be. I'm sure it'll be a pain to clean this place up, his house is huge.

It seems as though the further we went into Top's immense home, the volume of the rap music flooded my ears. Whatever was playing sounds like a song I vaguely recognize, it might've been Drake. Topper and Rafe were just talking about his album a couple of days ago.

Oh god, that reminds me - I never responded to Rafe. He's going to be so pissed. Which is typical, I always somehow manage to piss him off. And even though it happens often, I still never care. Although I do wonder what he 'needed' me for. It was probably something sexual, and in that case - I'm not interested.

Well, I am.

But no. I can't do that to myself that quick.

As we turn around the corner I immediately feel my stomach sink. I start to feel nauseous when I see the familiar head of thick brown hair. I come to a complete halt out of habit. Several of his friends nod at me, basically telling him that I was here.

"Go the other way," I hear Sarah say from behind me. I pretend not to see my ex-boyfriend and shift my gaze away from him. I'm sure that his stare is fixed on me right now, but I try not to show that I'm bothered as I pass by him. "Don't worry about him, he's going to stay away from you."

How was she so sure?

Flashes of us together return back from a dark place. I feel my hands start to tremble as I feel like I'm in a situation with him again. As I refocus my eyes back to where we currently are, I let out a shaky breath.

He can't hurt you anymore.

"Are you good?" Sarah asks from behind me. I swallow something hard that had balled up in my throat. I nod, starting to feel myself calm down.

"I'm fine," I reassure her. "I just don't want to see him again."

"I'll tell Topper to tell him to leave," She explains. I let out a relieved breath. "You're okay."

I purse my lips as we spot Topper outside, he smiles when he notices we're walking towards him. I slid open the back door and he hugs the two of us immediately.

"Hey babe," He says while kissing her forehead. "I was wondering when you two were going to show up."

I smile, still feeling a little off from seeing Tanner. Kelce walks over to the small group that was forming and gives Sarah and I a hug. I let my eyes scan the crowds of people that were forming out here, where was Rafe?

"Where's your brother?" Topper asks as if he could read my mind. "I thought he was coming with you guys."

"He stormed out of the house," Sarah explains, "But I couldn't care less where he is right now."

Topper looks unsettled as he looks around the house, "I wonder where he is." If only I could meet a boy who was just as caring as these two were for each other.

"We saw Tanner," Sarah says with a worried look. "What's he doing here?"

"I don't know, I didn't tell him to come," Topper quickly says. He looks at me next, giving me a reassuring smile. "I'll handle it."

"Okay," I say while nodding. "I need a drink."

"There's some beer over there, but I know you like your vodka," He says and we both smile. "There some in the cabinet in the kitchen."

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