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i'm determined to finish this story.


"Are you sure it's okay if I come to this thing?" I stop mid step as I stare at my best friend. "Kiara hates my guts."

It was her parent's 15th anniversary. They had a band, rented a little spot near the water, some booze, it all seemed great. For people that were actually invited.

"No she doesn't," Sarah says, rolling her eyes, "Come on Cory, it's fine. Your dad knows her dad, they're Kooks. You're welcome here."

I wasn't convinced, but for some reason I listened to her anyway. We walked past some familiar faces, people that my family were friendly with as a child. I return the smiles, greet a few others, and follow Sarah toward the bar.

"Will they ID?" I mumble to her.

"Not if you're pretty and put on a smile," She says, eyes darting back to the clueless boy standing behind the wooden bar. "We'll take two vodka cran's."

He looks between us, "Coming right up." He pulls out two glasses, and starts filling each of them with ice.

She turns back to face me, resting her elbow on the bar that went up to her ribs. My eyes run over her, admiring how nice she looks. After she curled her hair, she decided to touch mine up too. While some days I don't need to put heat on my hair, there were days my wavy hair wasn't so wavy. Today was one of them. It was a hot mess.

"Hey," A familiar voice says from behind us.

I turn around, facing Kiara who was wearing a pretty dress. She sends me a small almost unnoticeable smile, turning her head to fully look at Sarah now. They hug, and Sarah gives her a small smile in return.

"It's been a while," Kiara says, "How have things been?"

"Fine," Sarah tells her, "I haven't been doing much since Wilmington."

"Stopped home lately?" Kiara asks, "I've heard there's been quite the parties there lately. I guess you need a trust fund to enter."

Even though she didn't say his name, it still hurt to think about. It felt like forever ago that I got caught walking out of Rafe's room when he was with Sofia.

"Only to get my shit," Sarah says, "My brother has been holding onto that place like it's his palace."

"Basically is these days," She says, "Maybe he really is king of the kooks now that your dad is gone."

"Funny story actually," Sarah says, tucking some hair behind her ear. "He's back in town."

"What?" Kiara and I say at the same time.

"Is that a good idea?" I blurt without thinking. Their family is none of my concern anymore. I didn't know how to save myself from that comment.

"It's probably good he's back, the police can finally catch him," Kiara says, glancing a questionable look my way. "Or if they don't I'll turn him in myself."

I glance at Sarah, to see if that bothered her. I'm sure it did, but she was good at concealing her feelings.

"I don't know how you do it," Kiara continues, "I mean every time I think about how awful my dad is, I just think about yours."


"Hm, well glad to be of service," Sarah says, letting her annoyed look carry through. The conversation grows quiet between the three of us. None of us not knowing what to say after that awkwardness. "You didn't tell me that Topper was going to be here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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