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"Do you want to come in?" Sarah asks, once we arrive at John B's.

I wasn't in the head space to.

But maybe it was better than being alone right now.

"Yeah," I say, and get out of the car.

John B and JJ both appear out of the screened porch, smirks on their faces. I bet seeing me here was the last thing they would've expected.

"Hey beautiful," John B greets Sarah, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Where've you been?" She asks him, "Did you get the Twinkie?"

"Yeah," He says shortly. It was obvious that something was wrong, though. Even I could tell.

"What's up?" She asks him.

"Fill you in later."

My eyes flash to the blonde haired boy who was wearing the cheeky grin. The brim to his navy hat was low, shielding most of his face. But I could spot that grin out anywhere.

"Of course you pull up in the beamer," JJ says, "How on brand of you to stunt on all of us like that."

"I'm not stunting on you," I explain.

"What are you doing here then?" He asks, switching his hat to face backwards. "Not that I'm not happy to see your beautiful face."

"Just needed some time away from my shit show of a life."

"Tell me about it princess," He says, scratching behind his neck. "I just got an eviction notice."

My problems were a fraction of what JJ's were. I needed to remind myself that my relationship issues aren't the end of the world. There are bigger things in life to worry about.

"You win," I tell him.

He chuckles, "Yeah, I do." He wraps a singular arm around my neck, "You know, you're the only one that didn't coddle me when I said that."

"And why would I do that?" I chuckle, wrapping a lazy arm around his waist as we start to walk back toward the one story house.

"Because you're a heartless monster."

I smile, "Takes one to know one."

"And that right there, is what I like about you Cory," He smiles, "You give my shit right back to me."

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't humble you JJ?"

He smiles, opening the screen door and dramatically motioning for me to walk in first.


"You're an idiot," I smile at him.

"Where's Kie at?" Sarah asks, sitting on the couch next to her boyfriend.

"JJ?" John B says, glancing over at him.

He plops down on the love seat next to me, "Why are you looking at me dog?" His legs brush against mine as we sit in close proximity.

"Because you saw her last."

"You mean we argued last," JJ chuckles, "I took off when she showed up to my house a few hours ago. So I have no idea."

"Why?" I ask, crossing one leg over the other.

"Had a weird moment with her," He confesses, "Almost kissed so I dipped."

"Kissed?" I repeat his words. "Since when are you the type to shy away from kissing a girl?"

"This is different," He explains, "This is Kie. She's my best friend, I can't, do that with her."

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